Anybody here ever killed anyone before?

Anybody here ever killed anyone before?

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Checked no but seen an Asian get his head squashed like a watermelon in a car crash

Checked and yes in Afghanistan, it's nothing like the movies. Sometimes I wish it had been me instead, fuck this gay earth

I killed an opossum once.
>opossum runs out in front of my car
>I hit the brakes
>it runs back the way it came
>suddenly it turns around again, runs right in front of my car
>I run his ass over
>I turn around and go back to see if it survived
>its torso is literally detached from its lower half

nope and hell no
I am anti-violence, until cornered. That's when I tend to make people around me nervous by my demeanor. I'm a big guy, so that's all it takes. A few frowns and I'm left alone.

Yes agent Mcfaggot, it was Me that killed JFK, and Elvis too.
Fuck you, subnormal imbecile.

Death to kikes.

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Mark, it wasn't your fault they put a kid in that car. You had to stop the suicide bomber.

Yeah, they still ain’t dead. You gotta use silver bullets and shit

I kill the white race everyday with my BBC chud boy

First day?

I hit an armadillo a few months ago and it felt like it broke shit on the bottom of my truck, it didn't, but I sounded like it fucked something up. And yes, we have armadillos in Kentucky

Almost, at 4

Switch to the watermelon flag and everyone will believe you

Don't worry user, afghans aren't people.

indirectly, i was a piece of shit to a girl in 2004 and she killed herself
then in 2008 i was human garbage to another girl and she turned to heroin and od'd in under a year. but she already had problems
also me and one of my friends jumped a guy that his gf was cheating on with and he almost died, he ended up with nerve damage and cant use his arm anymore
that sent both of us to jail i got 6nmonths he got 18 months and he got sued for the dental and hospital bill and lost

No, first time my first tour when I put an HEDP on two guys burying an IED one night, second tour I lit a few people up with the M2. I don't have issues with that, it's the constant fear of IEDs that fucked with me

Just remember that it was for a good and just cause.

How the fuck am I supposed to know?

Nice try CIA but please remember that everything on this board is fiction

I get it bros, I don't feel bad about killing some faggot trying to kill me in Douchebagistan, I just wish I had died there and not had to deal with what my country has become. I didn't sign up to fight for Israeli interests, 11 year old drag queens, unbridled illegal immigrants that are just economic migrants masquerading as refugees, and people burning down American cities for months and kneeling for dead criminal niggers. I've got 3 kids and I sometimes wish I didn't because they're white and will be second class citizens in a few years

You forgot the nigger flag retard


So you're a degenerate porno actor with a prosthetic to bolster your fragile nigger ego like Fentanyl Floyd? Do you hold pregnant women at gun point, too?

Don't worry so much son, it will all be over alot sooner than you realize. Who did you smoke and where did you shoot them?