The Anglo Legacy

Moral relativism
Giving out monopolies
Worshipping pussy
Worshipping the state
Fetishization of black and brown skin
Destroying extended family structures

What am I missing?

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>Giving out monopolies

what do you mean with that?

the usa, its languange and culture, israel

>only our puppets have the right to buy/sell

This is what the Anglo model of business basically boils down. Everything you hear about Angloid free markets has always been bullshit.

It's always been about the crown/state giving a monopoly to their friends, then fucking up anyone who tries to transact outside of said monopoly.

East India Company
Hudson Bay Company
What happened just now with the vaccines is a perfect example of typical Angloid biz practices (that includes American Progressives and Northern Europeans who are cultural Anglos/Atlanticists)

>take our vaccines or we wont let you live!

We forced the British to give up their empire and cuck. They were shell shocked after WW2 and we told them this will happen again if you don’t give up the empire. The US is the single cause for all of this mess and it far surpasses anything Hitler could’ve ever imagined when he wrote about the US and what their hegemony would bring to the world.

>Anglo-Saxon Legacy
Rights of Men
Spread of Civilization on every continent
Industrial Revolution
William Shakespeare's works
Tolkien's works
The works of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Alan Turing, Michael Faraday, Charles Babbage, Francis Bacon, Tim Berners-Lee

This is not what most imperial studies found, for example British Far East properties (Singapore/Hong Kong etc) did more trade with the Americas than Britain

thats not the point idiot
read it again

Ok yeah but when the british empire was the superpower nonwhites didnt exist in england and gays were castrated. Now fast forward to usa superpower. Its not us english, its YOU, we're your scape goats incase the rest of europe realises what youre up to.

and what do you have to show for it today?

Nothing because your evil disgusting and degenerate country now owns ours and dismantled our empire and flooded us with non-whites. Everything is the amerigolems fault not english peoples.

- Moral equalitarianism because Protestantism does that
- Mah "common sense" as a foundation of science, laws and politics
- "Her rights", "her perspective"
- Using "person" for anyone who is obviously a man or a woman - neutralising their actual sexually dimorphic nature
- Talking about "gender" as separate from sex-linked traits
- Religious sectarianism under the guise of "freedom of thought" but it's actually social fragmentation, atomisation, basically legalising indifference and a broken social fabric, which makes it easier for immigrants and hebrews to take advantage of your society
- "You need to be nice" even with those invading your country
- Global sanctimonious moralism - 'hurr we need to use (((global))) institutions to punish that country for not agreeing with us that trannies are valid"

I could go on

the U.S is ruled by people who are culturally Anglo/Atlanticist. they have imperialism in their blood. the tools have just changed. now they spread nigger culture and globohomo and call it democracy

why do you think the ruling class in america hate nationalists so much?

the british empire never fell. it's capital moved to washington dc

americans are not anglo

Fuck off yank.

All this racial shit is coming from your end.

Every country that spoke english was kneeling for Floyd because of your shitty tech companies. Your culture is a cancer.

>We forced the British to give up their empire
didnt happen, another lie you've convinced yourselves of because your country has literally nothing its a mutt nation

the ruling american class + neo cons are 100% angloid CULTURALLY. they are not true americans.

Your ruling class seem to fetishise Europe not England.

They seem to love the idea of the EU.

A huge bureaucratic smokescreen of a government hand in hand with the corporations.





You were on your hands and knees begging for us to come save you because you couldn’t just break bread with the evil mustache man and take on the commies. Fuck you Nigel, fuck you. I take what I said back, it is entirely your fault.

we won the battle of britain

thats one more war than america has ever won

i'm talking about a culture and a mindset idiot

A sea empire based on government granted monopolies that spreads its ideology throughout the world through crony commerce.

in 1700 they called it "spreading civilization" and it translated to trains and overpriced tea

in 2020 they call it "human rights and democracy" and it translates to niggers, tinder and drag shows

the people who ruled the british empire are fundamentally the same people who rule america now. Like I keep saying - your shitty empire never fell. the capital just changed.

and do you know what europeans say about their political parties for instance?

"they have been americanized"

it's the anglo tradition that wants hegemony. the american ruling class (cultural anglos) is determined to turn europe into another anglo/Atlanticist outpost. and they're succeeding.

the continental tradition, as a separate civilization, is dying, to be replaced by anglo faggotry