Native LAfag here. I can confirm its happening were all turning right

Native LAfag here. I can confirm its happening were all turning right.

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>sub-humans inherit cali
>it ever turning right again

I'm sure it will all flip blue after midnight

Look man, I can't tell you how to live your life. But, like talk to your doctor to figure out what is best for you.
When it comes to L.A and San Fran? I'll tell you this; I grew up in Chicago... not like IN Chicago but the suburbs. Anyway, having grown uo there I can tell you living in the city is TRASH. I live in the country now, I know my neighbors. We have guns, seeds, we have silver and basically... I've said it before... there is a civil war right now. Not guns in the streets, but online man. That is the trenches of modern war. Anyway, back to L.A, they are Turing right... but who counts the votes?
I'd tell you here but I would be demonitized. For that you should check out our members only segment on
It will be a SPICY one!

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Only theocracy can save those cities.

*And whitening

If a lefty rag like druge is saying that you know there shook.

LOL enjoy the immense rage when you still loose, they are not going to let LA San Fran flip red. Besides blatant voter fraud they have many other tricks as well. They will introduce weighted voting or say it was racist or something.

I'll see it when I believe it.

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Tech bro immigrants absolutely hate this globohomo shit

No you’re not.

white / red / purple flight will keep it from flipping. Idaho is more likely to turn blue, for some reason califags love Idaho.

it's because the vaccine is killing all the leftists


You went red when you had Arnold as Governor
did any thing really change?

not a bad Pool. you do that off the top of your head or is it based off a copy pasta?

o i am laffin

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i'm not surprised. i don't know what took you absolute faggots so long to open your eyes

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