Zoomers = worst gen

It's not even a meme, you anti-social psychos are just the worst version of humans that's ever existed. Boomers, gen x, even millennials - we all have at least some endearing qualities.

Zoomers aren't funny, they're very serious, but at the same time absolutely worthless by every measure, often times they're manlets.

We've all been experiencing this shit since generation nigger lover started getting old enough to drive.

Boomers are hard working, gen x is at least trying, and millennials at least have a sense of humor. Again, zoomers have none of these quality traits....absolutely none.

Tell me zoom zooms, what will your generation be know for besides loving niggers?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is their hair that way

>why do children still act like children

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Boomers are lazy.
They just made up a bunch of fake work to look productive.

Why don't we ship stuff on trains across the country, it's because boomers wanted to drive big trucks.

Most zoomers are still young. Millennials got the same treatment about a decade ago.
Just wait until Gen Alpha (generation after zoomers) become a part of society. A generation purely raised on iPads.

Greatest Gen is the worst gen.

it was 25 fucking years and they are still like this

Zoomer idea of comedy is fucking sad, tik tok videos where they mimic someone else? Wtf
Those fucking haircuts are embarrassing too.
It's also very apparent that critical thinking is no longer taught in school because this generation is borderline retarded.

The only reason any other generation "looks" smart is because they know how to act smart from watching a bunch of shit on television.

Nigger, zoomers were raised on iPads.

Zoomers cannot spell to save their lives. What the actual fuck happened to public schools?


Fucking Zoomer brain at work look into more faggot would never work.

it's meant to symbolize the poop that is in their brains. it is nigger mimicry

Who is disagreeing?

But what's the point of the thread? No proactive discussion is had. Nobody has solutions to the zoomer menace. All you are doing is creating hate porn, which has no utility. Stop being retarded and think of some strategy to fix the problems.

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Yeah, previous generations never mimicked the videos they saw online, had embarrassing haircuts or were called retarded...

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>Boomers, gen x, even millennials - we
Fuck off, divisive fed.

Most zoomers are literally adults retard

>Those fucking haircuts are embarrassing too.
It's also very apparent that critical thinking is no longer taught in school because this generation is borderline retarded.

Has it ever been taught? The whole method of education is designed to shut it off. If you compare Zs to their past gens, they have a vastly increased capacity for critical thinking, maybe except for millenials, and specially when compared to boomers.

>generation nigger lover
lmfao, this is the way

Tell me what’s endearing about Boomers then…

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There are much bigger problems than zoomers

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Hello I own the railroads would you kindly take my friends shot now are no food for you.

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There was a period of time where zoomers didn't have iPhones or iPads as babies and toddlers. At least, not the ones born around '03 or before.
Every child from the latest generation are born and then have a screen shoved in front of their faces immediately. Not to mention they are being raised by Millennials.

Products of domestication. No evolutionary pressures to cull the genetically weak & inferior.

Agree af

You are a butthurted faggot pandering to younger generations to cope with his failed life. You are no better than boomers. Inb4, I’m a millennial. Anyway:
>boomers: naively bluepilled smugs
>genxers: redpilled doomers
>millenials: bluepilled nihilists
>zoomers: redpilled faggots

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Fuck. That haircut throws me into a rage. When will it be over

Just because they're over 18 does not mean they're adults.

Here come the excuses. Look zoom zoom, you're what? 20 years old? This isn't playtime. You're a fucking adult now, not a nigger loving shit skin mimicker.

Good job boomer on regulating rail roads, so that they are completely useless.

Your Anti-government gimmick really helped out every body didn't it? The world is so great now!

were zoomers raised by millennials?

Gen X

Just letting you zoomers know as a millenial, it isn't your fault. Don't listen to the abuse, you're going to be our last hope.

nah alot of them are tall but have a cowards soul. Now I'm sure there's some great zoomers itt and I am not talking about you. Like with niggers, I go by the majority.


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This pokes at a fun concept that accounts for why things are so shaky. The last few generations were raised by television and the internet instead of tribe or family.

Millennials are still gay faggots though zoomers aren’t much better

Zoomers averagely are more questioning, even if the education system try to cut them off. Boomers are fucking propaganda sponges. I interact with lot of zoomers, and planting seeds it’s very easy. If you approach them right they start to question things. With boomers is useless.

It's okay.. this... this is fixable...

dey bussys be bussin in the dl ya no?

to mimic their nigger overlords

The internet and social media are just an SSRI to Suicide pipeline

Those are bongs

At least thats white hair, not this fake curly nigger shit zoomers get.

I baked you a pie

Just to make sure. Gen X you are fucking shit. But you're so fucking shitty that nobody cares about you.

You'll be lucky if Millennials don't cut your SS, right when you're getting it.

Their moms give them perms for their 12th birthday it’s an initiation ritual.

>guise it’s the youngins fault the country is shieeeeet
> totally not the generation that controls the country and raised the new generation guiseeee
>nothing is my fault I swear

I bet he walks a lonely road.

I'm 28 years old nigger, I'm not a zoomer. I can see that you unnecessarily hate a generation for being different from you, because you do not even try to understand it.

Yes, the eternal zoomer knows no borders

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What the fuck do these mean ?
At least old phrases were half decipherable

>mfw schizophrenic and nobody will ever cut mine

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Maybe you shouldn't have fucked up civilization then things wouldn't be so bad millionshit

Don't worry, my generation did some pretty dumb shit as well with hair.

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it's all nigger speak, millennials had plenty of wiggers but it didn't dominate the culture and most were mocked pretty often

I call this and other nigger styles the "do not hire haircut."

they seem like more refined millenials. im a millenial, i just see them getting hit with a more distilled form of the social engineering we got.

Hard working. Pay their taxes. Don't commit crime.

it's a jerry curl, essentially....you zoomers are the equivalent of Lionel Richie

>why do children still act like children
Excuse you grandpalbania, but 1999 is 23 years ago.

I saw this shit coming as soon as Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer got popular...it's been painful to have to watch it progress year by year...
t. 1982 faggot millenial

The only one he's ever known

lmao loser I was redpilled at 15 and made so much money off you crusty bandwagoners during the bull run. All adults love me and with my holistic understanding, I can live my life in accordance with God better than you ever will without really even trying, someone you will never understand. Your life purpose is to work hard and pave the way for real greatness to shine through. Seethe and feed me more.

It blows my mind how an entire fucking generation talks and acts EXACTLY like niggers

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Their artwork is at least a step up from what you'd see on deviantart a decade earlier by kids of the same age, but not even He knows if their artistic prowess will ever grow.

Do wireless headphones give you brain cancer? I hope so.

Yeah you got a point man...boomers WORSHIP the talmudvision, it's kind of crazy how irreversably and utterly brainwashed many of them are.

That's because American culture is centered around niggers.

I thought it was moonshine and banjo.

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>All you are doing is creating hate porn
Collective 2 mins hate where Any Forums collectively agonizes about having hit the wall as zoomies barrel down the highway in their hotboxed lambos and bugattis like it's their goddamn birthright.

How about helping zoomers improve themselves?.
You know, when we get old they will be in charge of the world.


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They get big mad when you shit on Israel. They get smug when you question any sort of narrative. They're lost.

Haha. That hair style is just a permed front mullet.

>hard working
All of the boomers at my DPW job are lazy fucks who know they can't be fired because of the union
>pay their taxes
everyone pays taxes dimwit
>Don't commit crime
What the fuck are you smoking?

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>Reeeeeee papa, please try and understand me

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They all seem like clones

I've not yet heard this take on zoomers yet. I know a few and some are wannabe nigger whites and 2 other boys seem cool as far as I can tell. Hmmm? I will keep observiing them.
Online, how do you tell boomers millennials apart since they are so much alike? Like inverted versions of each other, inverted as in mirror image reversals...
I know we X'ers all hate each other and even now are still trying to "out lonewolf" one another as silly as it is

I don't care
That's just it! I don't care!

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they don't want help, they will....I think some of the older ones are starting to see...but take for example that dude who got jumped and killed by a pack of ferals at lebron's school, he wouldn't listen...he'd call me a racist, because he was severely indoctrinated. And that's the problem.

If you have the right framing/graphic design style and appearance, boomers will absorb just about everything you tell them.

>Boomers, gen x, even millennials - we all have at least some endearing qualities
Gen X here, no we don't. Fuck you.

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1.They're old, of course they're lazy you stupid fuck.

2. No, shit skins don't pay their taxes.

3. You think crime is better now than it was before? Of course there was crime. Boomers as a whole are afraid of the system, cause they see it as eternal. Nobody is gonna stare down 40 years to life at the same rate as today. Nowadays you can kill a man and get out in 10 years, maybe do no time at all.