Anons I want you all to prepere right now

Like you have maybe few months left, not two more, but maybe 4.
Here is what will happen soon;
>deflation, buy silver and gold it will moon. If you have debt bad luck mate.
>they want to take your guns, buy more and ammo. It's about upcoming riots and 3 days of darkness.
>3 days of darkness is basically zombie tier scenario. Vaxxed will be turned into zombie tier by 5g and 4g.
You will have to sit at home for 3 days till they die of dehydration
War, hunger, illness and last is death.
Death is the vaxxed dying lads.
>places hit the most by this are going to be, west and further east. Safest spots are: centre and south Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia, Romania. Literally all places where rich ukrs ran away.
>problems with delivery of goods, thanks to "monkepox". Expect empty stores soon. Buy as much as you can. Check where are warehouses next to you and further. Go there when stores are empty.
>stay away from vaxxed unless you want to get badly ill
If you had sex with vaxxed, its over for you.
>aayysss are coming after this shit. They will be branded as saviors. It's a lie, they will enslave you if you allow them.
>run from cities after shit show with ayys starts. It will be a death trap. Second tier npcs that didn't took the vaxx will praise lmaos and hunt everone who does not.
It's all going down this year. Starting today.
You've been warned.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is a solid plan

meds now

I'm so fucking tired of you schizo two more weeks faggots. Unironically post a source or fuck off.

>muh red deer
>muh boogaloo
>muh crossing the rubicon
>muh qanon

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I will never complain about my depression ever again

>Me during the zombie apocalypse

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"Deflation, buy silver and gold"

user, I...

I'll be fine fren

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It is happening sooner than you say. Watch the moon.

If you don't have 3 other men to arm then 3 of your guns are pointless dumby

They are going to be a 28 days later tier. Running and able to make sentences. Stay poor nigger
Nice guns, but you're still ngmi with less than 200 rounds.

Three supermoons in a row will appear this summer, beginning with one on June 14 and followed by ones on July 13 and August 12. June’s full moon will rise in the southeast around 9 p.m. Eastern time for East Coast stargazers, and stay visible in the sky until the next morning.

I'm warning you anons. It's final message to all of you. You're about to witness the biblical events unfolding.
When it happens remember that it's not made by God, but by a man, and people could stop it, but did nothing.

3 days of darkness.

Dont propagate us all retard, we are dead bug for them yet.

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Btw watch the moon. Demons use it like a clock. On moon pass is like a day for them.

i had kikes on my mind. lol

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1500oz of silver, a year's worth of nonperishable food, and a chest freezer full of ground beef.

You cant eat silver.

Too bad you can't stack silver AND ground beef

Your demoralization has no place in a good world.
Unironically stop being such an idiot obsessed with images and ideas that piss you off. You have choices in this world choose to surround yourself with good things. Learn to improve the world. Learn how to love again.

>If you had sex with vaxxed, its over for you.
its been a honor knowing you, bros. dont cry after me, it is my fault i couldnt resist vaxxed blondy white american college girls

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i hope you r larping op