Why the FUCK is being Transgender accepted in society...

Why the FUCK is being Transgender accepted in society? Every transgender retard I have come into contact with has severe trauma. It is obviously a mental illness. Yet, acceptance of this mental illness is constantly pushed. And god help you if you disagree with it and speak your mind. Why? Why? Why?

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Bump. It's part of a much bigger agenda

For some reason I use Reddit. And everyone who is trans talks about their trauma. How they had sexual abuse and how their father is absent. Yet, every person ignores it the connection.

>acceptance of this mental illness is constantly pushed

It probably is a mental illness, but with humans it's often hard to distinguish between disease and diversity. After all, human beings aren't much more than primates with mutated, messed up over-sized brains.

Clinical evidence says that the only way to treat gender dysphoria is by transitioning. That's what the science says.

I was actually groomed to think I was a freak and could be cisgender if I really tried when I was a kid. It was a hateful, malicious attack on who I am, and it was a really retarded way of looking at diversity.

Retard grooming is a big problem in places like Texas and Florida. Don't listen to science, evidence, and facts. Just become indoctrinated with stupid, idiotic things concerning guns, gender, race, human rights, etc that older retards want to believe.

I've never met nor seen one, and I've lived in London for almost 30 years... do these things even exist outside of twatter?

because in this timeline the trans won over the AGP. AGP would treat it like actual mental illness and find ways to suppress it. either way some would transition but they wouldn't be as bitchy as the trannies since they realize from the start TWNBAW

>That's what the science says.
Science also used to say lobotomies were an effective treatment for mental illness. Whatever happened to that?

It won't be a thing much longer. Tge estrogen is basically inviting cancer to kill them all. There us a reason why they were forced to stop giving women estrogen to treat menopause. It was killing women via cancer.

Its definately an mental disorder involving identity like an alter ego or split personality that stems from past abuse or trauma.

They live in cities like Portland, Oregon. Tons of them here. Just laughed at one this morning. Made damn sure he knew I was laughing AT him. Big tall fellow, about 65 or 70. He looked ridiculous dress in women's clothing. Fucking clown world.

t. Portland resident

>absent father

Something like 85% of trannies come from single mother homes.

>Science also used to say lobotomies were an effective treatment for mental illness
>There us a reason why they were forced to stop giving women estrogen to treat menopause. It was killing women via cancer.

Delusional and ignorant understandings of science & medicine.

science never said that. psychiatrists are just barbarian psychopahts, always have been, always will be. they used to lobotomize people, now they instead opt for chemical lobotomies with SSRIs and other pills. It has never been scientific and never will be


I think gender and gay issues today are not based on the real causes from the past and have increased exponentially due to people wanting attention and fulfilling a leftist agenda.A lot of this shit today is faked by leftists copying a trend and wanting to fit in with their peer group.Its really sick and demented.

I've been seeing them in drove down in Arizaona

there was just this creepy murder in Michigan recently, MTF kills his FTM "boyfriend" then kills his brother and "himself"


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Everyone sees them as the mental nutcases they are.
Just another jew trick to make you sin, if you call troons women you are not being honest to yourself, you are LYING.

is that gerard way

It’s only a small percentage of Americans that actually embrace this gender relativist shit. Most liberals take the position of live and let live - however they’re not buying it regarding sports, nor do they want their children being indoctrinated in school. It’s a loud minority of leftists on social media that are militant about this, and they’re complete social outcasts in the real world especially after college.

Who gives a shit. If this is what tanks western civilization as you retards like to panic about on an hourly basis, then western civilization is weak, hollow, and deserves to burn. Culture war is for fucking retards. Focus on economics, energy, and science, those are the fronts where the battle actually matters. Transgender bullshit is only successful because it’s working as a diversion.

Literally the tip of the spear to push the remants of Christianity out of western society.
If men can become women and women can become men and anything in between or outside then God didn't create Adam and Eve and thus the Bible is false and God doesn't exist at all, only Baphomet.

Tennanon here. They're everywhere. Usually work at gas stations for some reason. Seen one at the smoke shop and a book store. I don't really pay much mind to them because the best I can do is make myself look like a maniac in public by trying to redpill them. What really fucks me up is when I see kids doing this shit though. ALL these teenagers doing it are gonna be SO fucked in the head. Even worse, a family came into the restaurant I work in with two flaxen-haired boys, no younger than 6, wearing dresses and pride flag Crocs. The dad had to be 6'0" at least, with a big bushy beard and one of those fucking Grunt Lyfe T-shirts. I would have probably lost my shit had I not immediately turned around and seen someone browsing Kiwifarms on his phone. The parents who let this shit happen will reap what they sew when their kids eventually become more of a statistic than they already are.

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A non binary cunt just destroyed my place of business. It’s the company’s fault for hiring it and not firing when they had the chance, but more people need to know….when you employ these fucking wackadoos or you are forced to work with them, they will eventually destroy your livelihood. They’re the closest thing we have to literal demons.

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