We all agree that globohomo is bad, but what does Any Forums think about technohomo...

We all agree that globohomo is bad, but what does Any Forums think about technohomo? EUtards keep enforcing standards instead of letting the free market decide.

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this is ridiculously based
FUCK m*cscum

On the one hand google datamines everyone and gives the data to the NSA. On the other hand Apple is literally headed by a faggot.

I'll have to oppose the bigger evil, faggotry.

I agree with it. There’s no such thing as a free market anyway. The cable bullshit is pure exploitation.

eurofags are communists at heart

>EU Mandates everything use USB-C
>American tech companies make USB-D and its 10x as fast charging and way faster data capabilities
>Eurocucks stuck with USB-C until thier legislature can get enough of their cronies set up with USB-D to get kickbacks before they mandate the new standard
>USA comes out with USB-E...
See how government is inefficient.
Also apple is just going to get rid of the port all together and make you buy a wireless charger now.

How is this a bad thing for you fucking retard?
This regulation is here only to protect your interests against greedy corporations.

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>big government protects your interests

this is good regulation. owning different kinds of cables is a waste of money.

The most technohomo thing is planned obsolescence so you keep buying shit.

I'm juggling 4 garage door remotes, all with 4 buttons and they all open one door because the garage door cunts can't agree on a standard and they all think their shit is the best.

I bet you think guns need to be regulated too, nigger.

"Even before the war, my father told me this story. In some institution a routine meeting was in progress.
There were two points on the agenda: 1) the construction of a barn; 2) the creation of an abundance of consumer goods under communism.
As they didn't have enough planks to build the barn, they moved on at once to the second question. "

never said that, Ahmed.

I have never and will never own a cellular phone.
This is just another reason why my decision has always been the correct one.

>thinks regulation is good
Implying it was more than enough

This only hurts one company, apple. Fuck them.

EU is shit but this is actually based, I'm tired of different types of chargers, its just to make some tech kike more money

Every electronic device I own is already USB-C with the exception of old shit that was made before USB-C. I don't understand the point in this. Do Euro's really?

I have not problem with a universal standard but they standard shouldn’t be USB-C on phones. Lightning on iPhones is proprietary, older, cannot carry everything USB-C can carry, and is slower for data transfer. Among other things. But it does have a much better water resistance. It’s also smaller. They need a smaller USB-C with better water resistance

only tranny likes Lightning cable

shut up nigger you can't even own guns. don't assume shit how about that Muhammad.

proprietary/patented ammo probably should be outlawed, firing off stuff like a p90 is expensive as shit for no rasin
let the free market decide which ammo is best

I do not see the problem here?
I dont want to own 5 different cable connectors for my different devices.
Not that i buy apple products anyways, but good for you apple fags

Micro usb was good enough

You really don't understand how this works do you

>can't even own guns
Dumb nigger, it takes 15 minutes to fill in a form and apply. So long as you have a clean record, it's easy. Enjoy your regulation and gun control, nigger.

Broken clock right twice a day. If I can't personally stop big government I may as well enjoy when it makes a petty exercise of power against a petty display of greed.

Likewise, let the free market decide which adapters to use. Too many commies ITT think homogenisation is based.

Every phone is getting wireless charger now and who the fuck even uses cables for data anymore?

your 1900 mosin-nagant doesn't count, nigger.

You're fucking retarded and talking out your ass of something you don't understand. They're not mandating USB-C specifically but a standard, which happens to be USB-C as it's the most used port. They've also put in a law that has to re-evaluate the law every X years to make sure that USB-C is still the standard or if there's a better version. All companies, except Apple, already switched to USB-C before this was even a thing. This is purely an anti Apple law to stop them from being kikes and milk their customers for an extra charger.

apple is sadly the only non extremist jewish supremacist phone OS developer

USB-D was a meme, literally a April fools joke. USB group never issued a D standard. The USB-C form factor is backwards comparable, you can still use a 3.0 cord on 4.0 bus, or vice versa, but will limited by the lowest version standard. And lightning cords are shit anyways, always breaking, not a fast or powerful, but a massive profit for Apple.