Democrats are going to win this November, no it won't make sense. Inflation will be at all time highs, the aftershock of Shanghai's months long closure will be felt further on supply chains, shelves will be empty, food shortages in the west and famine ravaging Africa, Western Europe will be looking at tens of millions of famine refugees, Joe Biden's approval will be in high 20s (reality low single digits) and covid restrictions will be back on the menu as a new variant sweeps the nation this coming fall, riots will be an hourly thing and just like in 2020 - riots and protests won't spread covid. Despite ALL of this... Democrats will win November.

Why do I say this? Because its not about believability at this point, it is about humiliation. The purpose of propaganda, at least in its late stage form, is not to inform you, or deceive you or even manipulate you. It's to humiliate you. Its purpose is to be so outlandish, so ridiculous and so blatantly untrue and yet totally undeniable in order to reinforce the power of the state. The Soviets referred to this as 'hyperrealism'. That is - the state of everyone saying things that are completely false and that they know to be false - but which they cannot deny. The supermarket shelves are empty and bread lines stretch around the corner, but the newspapers report that the year's agricultural quotas have been exceeded once again. And then everyone is forced to repeat this lie and thus they become complicit in it. It is a system of total social humiliation and control.

There is only one party in the United States it makes no difference if the Red jew wins or the Blue jew wins the end result is replacement migration and anti-white policies, zionist policies, so no matter who "wins" the fake election (You) lose. So what purpose do the elections serve now in this final stage of clown world? They serve a tool of humiliation, propaganda, and control over a growingly discontent population.

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nigger hands typed this

Boomers win again.

That's the black pill.
The white pill is that politics are irrelevant this late in the game.

They're falling apart. No one trusts them anymore.

Trust is irrelevant as long as you maintain a monopoly on violence and can ensure compliance
This is why they are taking away your guns
This is why they are creating a digital identity that is tied to your bank account and the deed to your property
This is why they are doing everything in their power to ensure you don't rise up while you have the chance

the game was over before any of us were born unless you are literally a boomer

Truth; Public opinion, approval, trust; none of these things matter. All that matters is authority and how authority is enforced which is through violence.

No one can challenge the state to violence, the game is over and it was lost decades ago. These are just the final touches until the population is completely subdued, defenseless and can be properly inoculated into a new chinese-esque system that every government wants (because it works), where State is the religion.

No one is coming to save you.

Anyone who thinks 2022 elections will be legitimate needs to get their fucking head out of their ass. They will rig it 1000000%

Anyone ever ask their wife/gf to fart in their mouth? I want to ask my wife but I don't know how to bring it up. I just want to seal my lips over her anus while she lets a fart out. Is that so much to ask? Will she think less of me if I ask her this?

They don't have the monopoly on violence tho. They don't even have legitimacy. And you sound pretty judaic to me.

Unfortunately a likely outcome

Picrel makes sure that politics stay relevant

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Someone is addicted to doomer porn

Nah, he’s right.

Are you pretending that the USA is the size of eurocuck nation? They have little control, and they can barely control a city, let alone a continent.

>ID: FaP

All true except the riots. Dems will not sponsor them like 2020. It’s
>white people evil
for the next 10 years minimum.
All while popular right leaning breadtubers prop up the system.

They got a paper tiger that will be burned down overnight.
Night of the long knives.
It's happening.
We all know who needs to go and one day they will.

>nigger hands typed this
nigger hands typed this

Tits or GTFO.

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The psychopaths in Washington DC get a thrill from forcing normies to repeat and accept their obvious lies. They love forcing regular Americans to accept massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election, priDE MONth, turn in your guns because you are the problem, white supremacy is the problem. They enjoy forcing lies onto you and they enjoy it when Americans helplessly submit to their lies.

China won, it's over.

Thanks for rephrasing that old Bezmenov video. Truly amazing contribution you made here by regurgitating something everyone on this board is already aware of. Next time just post the video.