You cant deny, it works

It works.

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no shit, when gov pumps infinite free money it's all a giant success.

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To do what? Kike up the company?

You had your chance to do it willingly, now we force you.

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“To do what?” Diversify your board. We told you to diversify and it worked.

>Literal communism from kikes

So what do these fucking kikes want. Give some monkeys some bullshit title and toss them in a room where they can create the minimal amount of harm for your business?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Build Black Better

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It's so effective. Everyone is tuning out of their support for it. Enjoy it while you can.

But what benefits does diversity bring?

works for who?

diversity makes companies more diverse

>what benefits
Well they get all dem sweet gubmint diversity gibsmedats fo dem programs. So there's that.

Private companies can do whatever they want
companies on the stock market already have diverse boards to please investors

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Trans surgery is one benefit added to many diverse companies. Free abortions + travel + recovery time is another component of benefits packages. Hell, some military groups will throw a free tit job in for the womens. Tons of benefits.

>it works
>a success
by what metric?

Shareblue just deposited $0.14 into your account

Getting black people to actually show up to work, good job

Works for what? What purpose? What is the metric of success.

better than welfare?

The Supreme Court case of Bakke v. Regents of University of California already declared this sort of quota unconstitutional back in the 1970s so it's not just because of one judge.

diversity hiring is racist and misogynistic and helps foster low expectations for women and blacks in the workspace.

The WEF had a roundtable where they discussed using ESG scores to either give companies higher or lower interest rates based on how well they hit their targets. They've been doing this since 2017, I think. One of those ESG scores involves how "diverse" your company's leadership is.

Attached: World Economic Forum.png (286x176, 6.14K)

ESG score metrices involves*

>a success
It works for what purpose? It was successful in what endeavor? Weasel words.

It’s the question I always ponder because everyone talks about how great it is, yet no one can quantify the positive attributes.

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leftoids love the 14th amendment until it forces them to treat people equally in a direction that goes against their narrative

Imagine black people working and supporting white people for a change, as it should be?

Got more undeserving niggers hired

it just werks. the science is settled, experts agree that studies find only three out of ten americans can't believe that it's not butter, which is a form of racist hate speech that is a dogwhistle for white supremacists posting on anonymous image boards that are radicalizing the next generation into not wanting to turn in their guns since we're all in this together and we have two weeks to slow the spread before we can build back better after the great reset

Duh when niggerinos get mo money they commit less crimes and everyone is happier.

Its a good marketing technique to get black people off welfare and actually working

As a Jew, I embrace having a Diversity and Inclusion officer on the board. We typically hire a biracial (Black/Jewish) woman to this position. We call this person a triple threat. ;)
It also helps that it is my daughter.

Chang here. First sorry for my ESL english for this stuff.

First imagine what will happen if the America hierarchy consist of Jewish elites + a whole white working class. The white people can rebel at anytime by pointing out 'Hey the top hierarchy are all Jews and they are leeching us' (such as occupy WallStreet etc). We can also use military as an example. Say if you are a mongolian invader and you take many countries by force. If you are the king (Jew) while all the other nobles, bishop are local people. They can easily unite and remove you.

Therefore you cannot control a country with a full top-down ideology. You can to plant your agent in every layer of this society, to make sure it will never turn against you.

Personally as an immigrant, I don't really like the Jewish black centered blacked fetish, but many people don't have a sense that 'Jews are tribalism elites who steal OUR country' cause they are the outsiders in the first place. It is like you work in a factory as a worker and you don't care if the ower is white or Jewish (It doesn't make any difference to you, as an immigrant)

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I think it's funny that all these companies that jumped on the woke bandwagon are losing tons of money. It didn't even take long.


>It works.
How? By forcing every employee in a company to be constantly walking on eggshells or being overtly cautious of every word that comes out of their mouth that might be interpreted as "hate speech" or some bullshit microagression? Get the fuck out of here faggot.

Works according to what metrics? It's funny because this diversity bullshit is subtly racist. It's basically tacitly accepting that different races think differently and have different cognitive abilities

> “A homogenous board is vulnerable to stagnant thinking and common assumptions; it is also less flexible in responding to challenges. This results in poorer business practices, less innovation, and ultimately less profit.”
Tell that to Netflix! This judge is a pompous twat. He isn't in the business field ! How does he know

They really are hellbent on destroying the West, aren't they?

>You can to plant your agent
You *have to plant or establish your agents

What a fukin shitshow lol

How does that improve the plastic in my IPhone?

I approve of this completely. Diversify the boards and you put the shareholders through the same kind of bullshit niggery employees have to deal with, if only slightly, and we get to watch as society burns. Anything else is unjust.
Fuck the ruling class, it's time they got culturally enriched.

Mandates that force comapnies to diversify their boards were successful in causing more diversity in company boards.
That was literally it.

how to destroy a nation:
require those without ingenuity participate,
so you can constantly be unfucking up their mistakes rather than moving forward

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Good point. Let them learn the hard way. Get woke go broke. Let them throw a wrench in their operations

The most common response is it allows the business to gain different perspectives from the respective backgrounds of their diverse board members. Of course, they are then unable to explain how the lived experience of a Chinese lesbian has any bearing on the manufacture of crankshafts for cargo ships, or the management of a hedge fund.

Why did California even bother with this law that was obviously going to get rekt when ESG accomplishes this on its own?

What language is that?

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why do you care?
are you a reader?

Sell hamburgers?...

The leftistkike mindset is to try everything with pure audacity and then cry victim when something doesn't work.

this guy speaks way too fucking slowly

What. Language. Is. That?

its doodles from what I can tell