Is Russia really a great power?

Is Russia really a great power?

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We send care packages to our troops too. Stop letting the CIA brainwash you with this shit tier propaganda, butthurt belter

Totally the same thing.

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cookies and underwear are a tad different thing than proper gear and ammunition

stop trying to act retarded

Where's the military budget going, if the air force doesn't even have basic tools?

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it is only propaganda to show the cohesion of the russian people.
you are so retarded it hurts

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The pilots are so happy now that they finally have working radios.

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What budget?

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disingenuous butthurtbelt faggot. Did too many people finally realize that the whole "widows got a pair of shoes and 200 bucks" shilling was complete bullshit and this was something some random guy gave them ontop of what they're already getting from the government?

Same shit here. Random company/oligarch decides to donate to the military and western (((media))) with their shills claims that this means russia is ill equipped. If they really are this badly equipped then ukraine is a fucking joke and nobody should give them a single cent worth of equipment, because apparently they can't fight cavemen using rocks and sticks

>Where's the military budget going, if the air force doesn't even have basic tools?
Sergey is given 1 trillion rubles to buy 100 radios, Sergey buys Beofengs on Amazon instead of encrypted milspec radios. He pockets the remaining 900 million rubles and buys himself a 2008 BMW 3 Series he can no longer service due to sanctions. This is how the Russian bureaucracy has worked for centuries.

Capitalism once again outperforming government.

First of all, any state military is essentially crowdfunded already because that's what taxes are. You may as well say America is so poor our government can't even provide proper underwear. It's CIA propaganda. Except the forklift. It's just some asshole on twitter.
We do the exact same thing here. Just because subhuman butthurt belters are dumb enough to fall for this propaganda doesn't mean Any Forums is. Go back to /k/eddit.

The nanny state has institutionalized Finns so thoroughly that we think that it's weird when someone does something that we think is supposed to be the government's job

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The cope intensifies.

You got btfo butthurt belter. Like I said, go back to /k/eddit and try something a little less easy to disprove. This thread has failed for you.

yeah realism must sound like cope to an assblasted fanatic.
Explain then, why did russia manage to occupy 20% of ukraine, the largest country in europe, when they can't even load bombs onto their planes?

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hello, clueless moron
it is not only the Russian army that is fighting in Ukraine
there are DNR and LNR armies, Russian PMCs along, trained and experienced volunteers
some of them might need certain consumer drones, special equipment, weapon attachment, etc.
and since many in Russia are eager to help somehow, there is crowdfunding

Information just can't get through the programming.

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answer the question, shill.
You are the one that is subverted by believing that russia is some sort of paper tiger that you shouldn't worry about.

They're fighting the poorest country in Europe and they're still struggling.

that's the psyops in all western MSM and therefore here (especially during the first 3 months)
1. demonize Russian army and Putin (with the help of caricatures, fake news ("Russian soldiers rape children") and staged videos such as in Bucha or Mariupol theater)
2. make it look weak

so that Ukrainians wouldn't know about the true situation and would continue fighting, foreign volunteers would come, the butthurt belters wouldn't be afraid of the upcoming Russia's fight and fight vigorously and in case of Sweden and Finland would join NATO (though they already technically were there, it was just a formality)

oh no, what happened?

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