At what point does gas become so high that it collapses the supply chains and people stop commuting to work?

At what point does gas become so high that it collapses the supply chains and people stop commuting to work?

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If you drive a truck you deserve these high gas prices.

Sorry Americans. It's true.

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Its already at that point. Some people are LOSING money by going to work, having to dig into their savings to afford the gas to make it there and back for a week or two before the next paycheck.

gas only lasts for 5 months so they will put it on sale it it is older then 4.5 months.

Everybody needs to walkout of work, stop paying bills, and SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY. COLLAPSE IT

you can go pick up your amazon prime packages at the warehouse yourself then

i think during the 2008 gas price runup they said demand destruction starts when 10 dollar a gallon diesel circulates through the supply chain so about 6 months from now.

It went up $1 in a week, we could be at $10 before the end of July lmao

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I still WFH. Never going back.

Fuck you.
And then fuck you again.

>every dildo this faggot orders online is delivered via truck
Leftists are retarded

This really is the only way anything meaningful will happen.

Nigger it jumped 50 cents since last Wednesday

Kill all class traitors.

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>At what point does gas become so high that it collapses the supply chains and people stop commuting to work?
15 dollars a gallon, me thinks.

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It should be more now right? Inflation?

In 2008/9ish when Obama was pushing it over $4 in South Florida which meant the nat average was high most of my peers stopped commuting to college. I knew people who would carpool to work or just call out if it wasn't worth it (think Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the bartending/waiting industry)

My guess is now the tipping point is $7-8 a gallon national average. Wages haven't really gone up in America at all and it's painful seeing that the average family is spending record numbers just trying to commute to better themselves and their community by working an honest job or trying to volunteer. Its getting close for sure, hell I pay cheaper by the liter here in VB land now.

Already had one guy leave because his commute was too long. He did live ridiculously far away so not to surprised but it will start to happen more and more

It’s already happening to people where the cost is so high they can’t afford to do their weekly commute. This is going to be a purge. The Great Reset is partly based off the Cultural Revolutions of Mao.

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$10 a gallon sounds like a good breaking point.

When the 18 wheelers stop coming.

That diesel price right there looks like it should be it for haulers. That gas would be it for me if I had my old commute. I'd simply do something to get fired then go on the dole.

Truckerfag here. Don't worry, It's coming.

Double digits would definitely be a psychological breaking at the very least.

trannys are incels

once people completely max out their credit cards and run out of savings (okay, in the US we don't have any real savings)

so, any week now desu. just keep your eyes on the news, as soon as you start seeing pieces about how there's a tsunami of credit card debt that suddenly, and for NO apparent reason has manifested -- once we hit that point, you know financial Armageddon is here.

Maybe basing all of economics and society on a limited resource controlled by a few companies wasn’t such a good idea in hindsight.

Which people are losing money by going to work? I really doubt anyone making less than the cost of 1 gallon of gas is working only 1 hour at work, and driving 15+ miles to where they losing money. You're full of shit.

Supply chains biggest cost is not fuel, its personnel.
But for wagies its a important cost.

Ok, now factor in rent, groceries, other debt, and bills.

that's not the right metric user.

$do_I_work = ( (wage - (gas+income_tax)) > unemployment_benefits)? 1:0;

guys how did this happen?
btw, they don't have to sell oil from america IN america you know that?
>means its more profitableto ship it to Europe were they have nothing

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Logging companies are closing because they can’t afford the cost of diesel to log

everyone with a truck owns a business + they haul shit around + is a foreman + they own a boat so they need a truck.

The only people that don't deserve trucks, is anyone below the age of 40.

>Everybody needs to walkout of work, stop paying bills, and SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY. COLLAPSE IT

collapsing the country isnt magically going to make gas affordable you silly billy

Anyone who operates a vehicle as part of the business. Truck drivers, delivery services, landscapers, repair men, construction workers, contractors, caterers, etc etc

hey! i'm 39 and need my truck.. rural, i am my own garbage man; as well as the constant need for supplies/building materials for the property.

not my daily driver of course, that would be foolish. picked up our shitheap '98 f150 for $800 4 years ago.
>tfw that truck would sell for $3k now.