Shy, lonely, bored, and directionless young man goes to a therapist

>shy, lonely, bored, and directionless young man goes to a therapist
>"The reason you feel bad is because you... have le chemical imbalance. Here, buy these lobotomy pills!"
How is this allowed?

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Brave New World has a drug called Soma. It's kinda funny how it works there :^)

Take your meds you sperg

I was on this for a couple years. I loved it but its super unhealthy.

Can confirm. I lost eight years of my life to psych meds. They don't help they just make you a zombie so you can continue to endure without feeling bad. Shrinks don't help, they provide no solutions to the problem they just stuff you full of pills to keep you calm while the world around you continues to burn. Life is suffering, constant unending suffering with no escape but the sweet embrace of death.

We medicate people like animals right now. It's frustrating and depressing at the same time. Society too fucked up, powerless to effect change? Here, take your good-goy pills and shut up. People who take the pills prolong the suffering for the rest of us.

Takes a special kind of retard to fall for this and take the pills.
Like what else should be done to retarded people? Lobotomizing them with pills is a humane solution.

The rapist

I used to take 4mg Klonopin every night. 900Mg Cymbalta every morning, and 250Mg Cymbalta at lunch daily. None of it fixed anything ever.

Stay away from doctors. Eat healthy. Walk everyday. Listen to soothing music. Do a good deed. There. I cured you.

which pills specifically?
There are some good options:
Bupropion (not a SSRI): makes you active and slim!
Fluoxetine: SSRI, activating, pushing, stimulating

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Ok it's 12:30 pm and I've done all of that, and I want to blow my brains out still, what next, doc
>hurrr jus do moar!

i probably have adhd but i will never get medication for it fuck the pharma jew


Respect for getting off of that. How was benzo withdrawal?

I was prescribed adderall at age 5. Dose increased (also other medications added) until i turned 26 (ran out of insurance.)

I'd hate people like you if I didn't know you are so incredibly weak. You have no idea how weak you are if you think a walk in the park means you're a man. It's like bragging about lifting a matchstick and thinking you're Any Forums

SSRIs cause homicidal/suicidal thoughts. They literally need a black box warning when even benzos do not have this! They cause these feelings and thoughts they dont 'decrease your depression' to 'make it easier'. It especially affects men 18-25... the same category known for school shootings and other freak outs.

As for the reason... lots of money... and jews and their satanist friends of course

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Short answer: jews
Long answer: More words about jews

psychiatry is a huge fucking scam.

worst part is they give you permanent erectile disfunction

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Never noticed I wanted to die and still do. Don't think that's the psych meds however just a life that never stops fucking me. Every time I finally think the misery is over and I will come out the other side ok someone else completely melts down and drops their responsibilities on me. The only reason I don't blow my head off is if I do it will hurt my nephew who is completely innocent. Without my help he will be stuck living the same life I did and his dad is not making it easy chasing every horrible woman alive who tries to destroy him.

prozac is one of the most named medications for freak outs.... Fluorine is also not great for you....
Bupropion is basically just a stimulant that might give you a seizure, there are better ones if that is really what you want to do.

generally not true.

Some SSRI will have an activating and pushing effect enabling a depressed person who was too lazy and too depressed to actually move their asa to kill themselves to now get up and do it since the antidepressant effect needs 2 weeks to kick in.

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>every kid in america is put on SSRIs
>be surprised when school shootings happen

reading stories about "mental illness" from westerners feels surreal

nope. no other drug does this. Many drugs releive depressive symptoms. You are spreading pilpul. SSRIs werent even the first antidepressant. How can you spread this horseshit?

> How is this allowed?
You allow it by going to the doctor

won't give you a seizure, give me a break.
Will make your lazy fat ass slim, you'll be lean and attractive and beleaguered by girls.

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>he responds twice
seething gypso, don't you have some moldy goat cheese you need to steal? You're a third world shitstain who is already living the WEF dream. I could kill myself now and still have left 100 times the impact on this world than your 80 iq having ass could in the next 80 years.

nah you are basically a coke addict kek. And yes it does give you seizures if you dose too high. I'm not making it up kek. They call it prison crack, prisoners use it and sometimes seize out. You wont likely have one at reccommended doses but my point is it is just a stimulant. Not only that it has strong effects on liver enzymes that we don't know all the implications of yet.

The problem is you're born with an insufficient blood alcohol level.

because I know stuff

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Don't take pills if you have hallucinations or hear voices, post on 4chins instead.

yah you were told that schpiel I get it. But have you thought it through? Why does no other drug do this? Perhaps the explanation is trash? Perhaps the people giving you this shit explanation are compromised, corrupted and evil? Perhaps they want to buy another house? I dont fucking know man, but honestly after the past few years you NEED to start asking questions about what you think you know.

>go for a walk
>I'm still politically persecuted by a corrupt and evil government
>I'm still discriminated against in my own country
>I'm still surrounded by demons who kill and castrate their own children
>I'm still surrounded by people who tried to put me in a camp a year ago for something they don't even remember now
>I'm still unable to enjoy my creative hobbies because they've been taken over by political schizos
>I still own no property and will not be able to afford it
>every tree I saw on my walk will be cut down by a corporation in the next few decades
Wow, I feel so much better!

>shy, lonely, bored, and directionless young man goes to a therapist
I am all of this except I don't take the meds nor went to the (((therapist))), so how do I solve this. I don't drink alcohol nor do drugs.

good call, Sir. I am a coke addict.
Risk for seizures is negligible.
0,01%? couldn't care less!

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