
What does Any Forums think of asexuals and the concept of asexuality in general? Even thought the LGBTEIEIO tries to claim them they techically aren't faggots because they don't want to fuck anyone. Are they allowed in the ethnostate?

Attached: AceFlag.png (1500x902, 9.5K)

Only girls can actually be asexual.

>Are they allowed in the ethnostate?
Yes, but only if they're whites

It doesn’t fit on the flag after MAPs. Next.

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Not a thing. You really expect me to believe someone would pass up the opportunity to fuck a 10/10? Ace bullshit is just incel cope

im asexual. its really not a big deal and I'm not oppressed. i just want more people to know about it so other asexuals don't have feel broken and lost like i did

Incels in denial if they're men. Lesbians in denial if they're women.

>some fashionable made-up bs
>"What do Any Forums thinking of..."
You're full of shit.

asexuality is actually based
it keeps men focused on da goal.

Looks like flag of Estonia.

Are estonians asexual?

Many incels eventually become asexual, I think it's normal.
People like Tesla and Schopenhauer also didn't want to fuck women. They were repulsed by intercourse activity.

asexuality is a symptom they are sick and need treatment not rejection

I would think that a small group of young white men that not only don't, but are incapable of thinking with their dicks would be very powerful.

why the fuck does it need to even be recognized? lots of married women are aesexual and have dead bedrooms and they don't celebrate it

I'm asking a genuine question. Do you agree with


just a simple inclusion of asexuality in basic sex-ed would be nice. i don't need a parade. Just to let that 1% know that hey, the rest of your peers are about to get really horny, and you may not, and that's okay.

Why do gays need to be recognized for that matter?

I'm going to be real with you OP. The amount I care either way about who you do or don't fuck is negligible. How old are you? Do you remember how, in the pre faggot clownworld times, most people didn't care about any of this?


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why the hell should it be included in sex ed?
they really shouldn't because it's completely irrelevant who you have sex with. if anything just have a bit about anal sex and teach everyone how to have safe anal sex so maybe the girls won't be such fucking prudes about letting you do anal. if a girl doesn't let me stick it in her pooper it's because she's homophobic

Asexual means reproduce without sex, no such thing in humans. Abstinent is the word actually, not asexual. But faggots didn't want to include religious reasons for abstinence so redefined asexual to mean no sex instead of self reproducing

"Asexuality" is one of the many hijacked conditions that identity-deprived drones have taken in order to create a modicum of validation in their miserable lives. 99% of ALL asexuals are actually just pathetic losers coping about their abysmal romantic failures and instead of owning up to it and moving forward they pretend that they "weren't interested to begin with" and had this condition that inhibits the need for the basic social connection so they never have to get hurt ever again.

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they got their flag color scheme all wrong completely!

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Genetic failures like homosexuals, but at least not degenerates, so they can stay.

it's completely retarded. demisexual is also really stupid because it essentially means you are not promiscuous, which is the default. you don't need a special label to call yourself normal

Sodomy is retarded, not sex, repulsive and gay.

dumb bitch

the way I see it, anyone who doesn't sex (that is to say penis in vagina for the ultimate purpose of reproduction and bonding therein) is asexual so all lgbtqpnt_x+-% people are asexual.

is correct
with the addendum that having no sex drive is an actual medical condition, but tumblr-flavoured idiots like to glorify all deviations so that got bundled up with all the genderkin nonsense

I think that people are retarded to transform the "I don't feel like fucking today" in a sexuality.
Damn retardeds that want to feel special.

Ok mr - shit up your urethra- super straight man.

Nick Fuentes is asexual, if I had to call it.

gay is when you have homosexual sex. now bend over girl I'll put on a condor and I'm going in

Friendly reminder: correct terminology for reference is LGTBQIA2+

Please do not forget about our two-spirit friends! that "2" is super important!

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asexual in reference to humans is defined as one who has no sexual attraction to anyone and has no sexual desires at all. this is all so very fucking agonizing.


And my husband just gave birth. You can go back with the fairies on Reddit any time now.

>bend over girl I'll put on a condor and I'm going in
i'd like to see you do this.

shut up and do this

Attached: condor.jpg (2000x1275, 438.47K)

I wish I could not get turned on by anything. The free time I'd get back from fapping, not caring about the rat race for MUH DICK.