Alcohol is a poison to the soul. Surely you agree?

Alcohol is a poison to the soul. Surely you agree?

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Yeah but it helps me talk to women

Your manipulations of a reality is a poison to the soul groomer.

To imbibe is to hold two spirits in the same vessel.

Nope, not really. Difference between a medicine and a poison is the dosage

Life really is mostly about getting that next dopamine fix from something. We were doomed from the start


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Its both the poison and the cure.

It sets the mind in motion

And it has fucked over multiple friendships, relationships and connections with family. It's either I drink and be alone or I don't drink and have more meaningful connections with people. Can't be both.

Alcohol is poison and anybody who disagrees are coping and retarded

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hello, virgin

how can spirits be bad for the soul

Water is poison if you mess up the dosage.
It's life-sustaining if you drink the right amount.

it makes the no-OK less not-OK. which is the appeal. GABAnergics are fucked up, however it does get converted to acetylcholine by a small minority at an increased rate so the actual effects aren't to scale biochemically.

non-sober chuds eternally seethe

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I agree. I can't drink without loosing control. It's too bad that there is basically no way to socialize with other people if you don't drink. Alcohol culture should be destroyed.

Nah. Anything you hate, I probably love.

I'm politically incorrect. I'm not sucking dicks in an effort to play people. Homosexuals play people. Homosexuals.

Alcohol is fine. Excuses for bad behavior isn't.

Read Triumphs of Experience. Alcohol is scientifically proven to be the one thing that ruins a man's life with 100% certainty. The only way to get free from it is to drop it cold turkey and never touch it again in your life.

But... U R Gay?

Alcohol is pretty based in moderation. Having 2-3 beers a day during social calls with friends helps alleviate stress and results in less dropped spaghetti in front of women if you have at least a single humorous bone in your body.
Drinking more than that daily, drinking at home or at work makes you an alkie.

Western civilization was largely built on alcohol. To brew beer was one of the greatest privileges in middle ages.

I was never a 'beer after work' guy but I did enjoy a big weekend out every now and then.

Now in my late 20's even one drink of alcohol makes me anxious, depressed, and non functional.
Any time I give in and have one I regret it straight away.

It is a mutagen and can give you all kinds of illness and cancer, so yes
Also it makes you confident and reckless a very dangerous combo

That says more about your lifestyle than anything.

Always responding out of fear? An after-work beer is more of a work-hard-play-hard lifestyle... as long as you remember the work and as long as you don't get in the habit of trying to cram 6 hours of play alongside 18 hours of work.

Yep. I'm clearly hearing the boss man and bitch wives talking here.