Styxhexenhammer666... peak male performance

>Guns n' crops
>qt3.14 trad Euro-wife
>Has a kid, defies the globalists
>Defender of Any Forums
>Vigorous logposter on Any Forums
>Destroyer of blackpills
>Laptop collector
>Final boss of alt tech sites
>Never lost a debate
>Makes leftists cry on a daily basis
Living the life

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high-pitched 13-year-old girl voice

Ugly lolbert subhuman faggot your idol?

He abandoned his garden in the states. I couldn’t watch after that.

definition of a fucking grifter

you are fucking idiots

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God can't give everything to one man

Dude looks like he would fart near you and just stare at you

Useless subhuman who spread his disgusting genetics instead of getting his aryan wife pregnant by a nordic sperm donor.
He will suffer for that after his muttspawn sent him to hell for being so ugly.

>this is your idol

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The tranny thing tho...

He should run for president. He's got my vooot.

hi, Tarl

Couldn't give him a better microphone either

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Hasn't been relevant since 2016

Hello, Styx

Hi Styx hows Holland this time of year?

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shut the fuck up tranny you're a freak in a dress

> Sticksnfaggot
Has the most punchable face
I can't tell who is the bigger nigger faggot. Him or his YouTube followers.

Porn whore, isn't he an author first, then a grifter second?

He's a retarded lolbert that refuses to acknowledge the JQ or the existance of race.