South African style white genocide is coming to the US. here is a rundown of what happens

South African style white genocide is coming to the US. here is a rundown of what happens.
>police will completely stand down.
>gangs will raid homes in the suburbs, loot them, kill everyone in them, and get off scot free.
>if you fight back you will be tried and convicted for murder and punished to the harshest penalty of the law
>mass public denial and shaming its even happening, unfathomable censorship

Shit is coming to the west. This is the future for you white cucks.

Attached: 453379418.png (932x1160, 1.19M)

I would believe it if white gun ownership were lower

No they won’t. If the cops ever stand down, private security will immediately take over in suburban neighborhoods. Armed neighborhood watches will pop up all over and any nigger out of place will instantly get Travon Martined.

you will not use your weapons, all you do with them is larp on k and plebbit you faggots



Do you suddenly think that those willing to kill to stay alive and keep their family safe will suddenly stop killing because police are coming to arrest them? As if they wouldn't just kill the police too? Lmao how does this scenario play out in your mind you absolute retard

This. Cops are an instrument of ZOG.

You think Boer farmers don't have firearms?

But you're not going to kill anyone. You'll never use your precious guns. In other words: you won't do shit.

Wow it's a good thing it's almost the end of Revelation and Jesus Christ is coming back to arrest the libs

They clearly didn't have enough lmao

the future the west chose, enjoy

Attached: 1596360401206.jpg (600x329, 25.96K)

Ah its this copypasta again

where pic from?

Boer farmers were incredibly well armed. They were better armed than the average American.

I doubt it

so they aren't now?

Booba sauce?

most of them left south africa for australia, new zealand, and europe in the 1990s. only the low income are forced to stay.

Just bury your guns, say you lost them, keep some in secret stashe in your house

Just couldn't resist the attached picture. OP post? Didn't read.

We had more guns than the kaffir’s, it doesn’t help when everyone is against you.

Every yellow cunt, poo shitskin, sandnigger, nigger, kike, spic and mixed race cumdumpster was against us. You are delusional.

I like how your flag makes you think you understand us from data, but, most of the people you should worry about don't give you any data from being off grid. You're a disposable dishrag to the jews and you're gonna be used to clear the planet in a blood conflict that'll see most of you die off.

Guns are used at least half a million times per year in the USA to defend against violent crime. 9 out of 10 times the gun is not even fired and the media is silent about any positive affect of armed citizens. The truth is criminals run at the very sight of an armed citizen.

No one copes like americans