Take Lugol's iodine like Any Forums says

>take Lugol's iodine like Any Forums says
>start getting sick as fuck and stop taking it
>an entire month later of not taking it and every time i fart it smells like liquid iodine, every time i shit it smells like a shitlog of iodine
yep im thinking you guys killed me

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You need to keep drinking it

oh also it gave me an enlarged thyroid gland that feels bad every time i swallow. it went away a little but still feels not normal

That's why you never take medical advice from a board full of schizos who barely made it through highschool.

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Don't take medical advice from Any Forums these crazies will have you hero yourself for the lulz

Some guy on here told me to eat kombu seaweed and it helped me without having to take weird supplements. It’s a super high source of iodine. Do that instead OP

that's normal
it's not pleasant but it will keep you alive in a radiation emergency
that's why you don't take it unless there is fucking nuclear fallout
not before dumbass

every time i fart it fills the room with the chemical smell of liquid iodine. its crazy.

That's why I will never follow all the schizo dewormer routine I've seen here kek

i remember seeing people on the news back in the day getting killed by this meme

LOL i followed that one too. i bought the blackwalnut + wormwood or whatever pills. they made me sick too. got a hemorroid for the first time in my entire life (34 years old) while taking those.

You know you can just put regular Iodine on your skin and it will absorb.

i tried putting the lugol's on my face and it burned. sometimes i wonder if this particular bottle is a messed up one that accidentally has way more than 2% iodine in it.

i put a drop of it in my ear and was writhing in pain for hours.

you'd think you would learn after the first time

>on my face
Just put regular iodine on your legs or something, not your face. Even an arm.

Have you tried taking it as a suppository?


what? i take about 10-15 drops every couple days as part of my vitamin regimen. doesn't hurt anyway. how much were you taking?
now i'm curious about Zeolite in terms of heavy metal detox

I’m not saying you’re in the wrong but did you do any research into what iodine even is before taking it? Once again I’m not blaming you at all here.

6 drops

How much were you taking? I don't know that anons here advocated taking iodine but I've read about the Western diet and municipal water treatment inhibiting iodine uptake so I started to take a small amount of lugol's iodine. One drop a day. My whole life I've had horrible insomnia and about two months into taking supplemental iodine it went away. I go to be and fall asleep in about 5 minutes every single night. Prior to that I can only remember a handful of nights when I was able to fall asleep in less than 30 minutes. Most nights for my entire life it would take me hours to fall asleep. I dreaded going to bed. Not now.