Nearly all countries that ban homosexuality are 3rd world shitholes with low IQ population

>nearly all countries that ban homosexuality are 3rd world shitholes with low IQ population.

Why do homophobic and transphobic societies tend to be shitholes with uneducated low IQ populace?

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yet they are coming into our countries to be the majority in a couple more years

guess they will win at the end and kill the faggots

To have a truly accurate graph, we would need a timeline as well. Most western countries only recently allowed homosexuality. Funnily enough, it is a signal of societal decline.

Iran is based, they either kill you or force you to transition, and most of the time the bottom surgery will be a complete mess so most end up killing themselves anyways.

this, the future is full of roaming bands of slavers

thanks liberalism

Fake equivalency those are just the places the globalism has week influence.

>If you're gay in Mauritania you get the death penalty

XD based XD

this is a good point user, I myself am willing to fight for homosexuality in Botswana.

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Because jews

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Who cares? You're a pervert who takes cocks up your arse.

>Because jews
there are many white people that have promoted LGBTQ+ pride

Tldr, also gays have existed for thousands of years before the Jews invented God

Just because 20 jews in a government decide if a country allows fags to exist doesn't mean that is what the millions of people who live in said country wanted that to happen. Plenty of blue countries where fags are still seen as the joke they are

Green countries i mean

Gays are groomers. They are crabs in a bucket. They are reproductive dead ends, and want to make sure everyone else is as well.

In a healthy society fags would get the rope. The jews have promoted them to destroy goy culture. Because they hate us.

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The midwit meme is real

here i have concentrated the latest /MOG/ updates and came to these conclusions

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The jews invented laws againt homos as revenge towards Hadrian
Jewsus can ride my cock, bro

>gays universally rejected for their degeneracy and foul practices (unless you're Jewish of course
>Effectively banned cross-culturally by populations wildly different in behavior, attitudes, intelligence, experience, etc.
>our regular (((middle eastern allies))) make yet another historical appearance, infiltrating media, government, law, so on
>Jewish mothers exercise their perpetual dominion over their emasculated sons to "make the goy love ya queer brotha scholomo"
>some Jew posts a map and asks us goy why this somehow represents the average American's opinion regarding faggotry

Isn't Tel Aviv the "gay capitol of the world"?

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Banning homosexuality is indeed ridiculous. How can you ban a feeling, even if that feeling is degenerate and ill?

We can, however, can gay marriage. And when you look at a map of that, it is far different.

Because if you have not been indoctrinated by the judeo/globalist education system and another man expresses an interest in penetrating your anus with his penis, you are so revolted and offended, violence seems the appropriate response. Since a governments role is supposed to be protection of the citizenry they make it illegal for men to to do this (for their own protection).

Leviticus 20:13 says if a man lays with another man, he should be stoned.

The jews know it is evil, and they impose it on their enemies.

>male illegal, female legal
>females arent priviliged

Ohhhkay you can relax here bud, this should be more of a spectator thing for you

>Jew book says
Sorry idgaf nor do i respect hebrew lore

it's pretty simple - 3rd world countries don't have useless people who have time giving a shit about faggots etc.

next time use your brain

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You asked a question and I answered it

Dude what the hell, jews can't be looking at this fag crap and thinking about hot daddies. You're supposed to be subverting us, not getting high on your own supply. No wonder you got gassed by those leather daddies.

Yah same with pedophile's right?
Same with cannibalism right?
Animal torture?
Human trafficking?
It's not the same argument doesn't hold up since you already have child brides thanks to Afghans are about to legalize eutanasia world Wide.
Have girls walking on all four in the park...

>other penalty
>one dot
do I dare google the penalty for homosexuality in Djibouti

Sure ali

True. Men who are too ugly or effeminate have always been sexually repulsive to women and had to make do. It was just as disgusting back then, too.

careful with those edges, son

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