Surely the ruling class knows that is gas prices arent brought under control, society is over right?

Normies wont even be able to afford to go to work. Life as we know it will be finished.
What the fuck is the plan here?

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Russia is bad punish russia nuclear war now

what else is there to understand

Bus for everyone.
Car for the wealthy.
Judeo-Feodalism NOW.
vote KIKE 2022

u kant 6uild 6ack 6etter without da Gr8 Reezet.
buckle up dorothy, 'cause kansas is going bye-bye

What are you niggers babbling about, if normies cant afford to go to work this entire infrastructure is over.

Use the bus, slave.
Or don't eat and die.
We have many to replace you, you are not needed.
The wealthy are secure, everything they need is completely automated.

>Surely the ruling class knows that is gas prices arent brought under control
everyone point and laugh at the fucking retard
>implying they arent already under complete control
ever wonder why when crude falls, people die?
things that make you go hmmmm
>evergrande tanker in suez
>saudi oil gettin droned
>indonesian refinfery aslpoding
>sneaking 15% ethanol into your butthole

>living in the corporatist federal states inc
>fuel companies greenlighted to rape the economy, it's their turn, and they need help to transition to the New Energy Plan
it's really not that complicated

they will just rebel and kill people, unless the gas prices are controled by the governmen and new world order.

this place is fucking useless now, wow. literally worse than reddit

Yeah they are going in for the kill, replacement is done and slave class has an average IQ of under 85.
It is over.

always has been, lurk more.

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muh climate, muh raycisms, muh shifting power away from the dollar, muh synthetic crisis to institute a fake solution
im afriad youll just have to work harder for your overlords

>Burgers bitching about 5 dollar gas while we pay 12.
It will get worse, and you will contin6to exist.

Accelerate the collapse. Start torching gas stations like they are torching food production facilities. If you aren't helping to accelerate the collapse, then you are a cowardly faggot who is a slave to the society the jew has built for you.

>What the fuck is the plan here?
Communist long term strategy from the 70s/80s.

Basically, destabilize the West, swoop in, take over. Rn, plan's right on course.

This is the Great Reset, my friend.

o really? you should go back then. thanks for visiting.

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And yes, the Great Reset is part of the communist plan.
Herr Schwab even has a statue of Vladimir Lenin in his office.

gotcho back b

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To move everyone onto electric. Older cars cannot be allowed to exist because they don't have trackers or remote shut off. They provide too much freedom.

They're counting on cheap chinese built electric cars to flood the market so that people can afford them. Anyone who refuses will be priced out of society

>Muh communist takeover

Shut up. You are just using the communist boogie man as an excuse to not get out there and tear down the completely degenerate and kiked society we live in because you have become too dependent on it.

they've got their hands full? All of this is built on America, we can't let it fall, it will be like the fall of Rome and this time there won't be a comeback. Stop believing demoralizing threads like the reset, this will alll be far different. War plans are made in stacks until the actual thing kicks in. The real suffering will be anything but a reset, you might not even survive to see the world improve for better. You have to pull up by bootstraps again, there is no other way.

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It's hilarious how naive you are, American.

>tear down one kikery and replace it with another kikery
kek, commies go against the wall, always

Who said anything about replacing the current society with anything? I say tear it all down and don't rebuild. Civilization is the enemy of freedom. I want freedom. Therefore civilization is my enemy.

And it's working out great bc of people like you.

America is in on it. Surely, you cannot in all seriousness say that the US isn't a communist nation. Bc it is. 100%.

Correct. It's all part of the plan. Infiltrate, destabilize, destroy, take over. This was a completely nutjob theory back in the 70s and 80s, unimaginable. Today, we can see it goes all according to keikaku.

>Normies wont even be able to afford to go to work. Life as we know it will be finished.
Are you not familiar with the great reset?
Killing off "useless eaters" is part of the plan.

not yet, this is the nihilistic scenario in which I don't exist, but I do therefore we can still win.

You sound like a crack addict who is desperately trying to avoid getting his supply of crack cut off.