Masculinity is dead

Masculinity is dead

Attached: RIP.jpg (735x822, 84.55K)

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shes cute but those hands tho :/

That dog has seen some shit

Yawn. Just another minutely doomcuck/blackpill thread.
Take heed, viewer. They want you angry. They want you hopeless. They want you to feel defeated.
Some random guy out of billions of people doing something like pic related does not effect you in anyway shape or form. Sit back and laugh if you're inclined. Roll your eyes.
Oh and before I forget.

Attached: 1654377625827.jpg (1024x802, 105.4K)


Not with those shoulders it isn't

Damn. He went from Gigachadlite to trooncel. Sad really.

> Man's hand
That won't even close to passable in my country.

wow he wanted to be a woman so bad he still had a beard 6 months before meds. what?

many such cases

Attached: mtf chad again why.jpg (768x768, 82.65K)

and yet, if they stop taking their hormones their body simply returns to its original state as the male genetics can never be eliminated completely. They're in every single cell in this mentally ill man's body, screaming to let their genetic code be read and not suppressed by estrogen hormones.

It's the fate of all trannies at the end of the day, they will no longer have their precious hormones anymore and their bodies will return to their masculine form, while their fake gash will remain, and they will never have a man's penis again. Poor sods, they don't realize what they've done to themselves.

This guy isn't a gigachad

*was never

I would fuck right if he weren't actually a guy.

>Tfw hand and arm mogged by tranny
It's so fucking over for me holy shit.

Attached: 1583305779945.gif (500x281, 1.15M)

fake and gay

Doesn't return to normal there is permanent damage

every man would kill to look like him, that's Chad enough

Attached: mtf chad why.jpg (640x640, 31.51K)

Real and straight

This gives me hope strangely enough, I'm a runt, but I'm tall, smart, good bone structure. Maybe some T could make me go from lanklet to chad

Ugly manface on this and OP
I guarantee the voice is putrid too

Is this the thread?

Attached: transtl14.png (1906x1254, 3.13M)

What a waste.

Speak for yourself, niggerkikefags.

Attached: kyriakos-grizzly-strongman.png (663x421, 484.06K)

only for the hair because i'm balding, everything else no



>One less dude in the competition
So how exactly does this affect me negatively?

Sure whatever

Trangender people's brains have been studied and they are closer to biological female brains than they are to male brains.

kek the desperate attempt to lean slightly back so you wont notice his broad shoulders in the second pic is funny especially since the entire rest of his body still looks like a man trannoid freak

it's sad

Attached: chad tranny why.png (823x466, 796.99K)

so a fucking psychopath?

how about this?

Attached: chad tranny rugby.jpg (710x678, 59.2K)

That could be your son one day.

Attached: 0451b5a0a6c46e14a17426fedc43b29a.jpg (512x512, 35.75K)

Attached: 259406A9-F918-41C8-92D5-97C3A06C794C.jpg (1138x565, 81.69K)

I always wonder if men like him could be fixed. Even if you a brief moment of clarity realized how fucked up you are is there any going back(assuming no surgery/mutalation)

> *clear throat* well ...

>one picture from the internet
>masculinity is dead


Show flag.

>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe
>Wood for the winter carried on the broad shoulders of Ryan
>I watched my master wear glitter as between his legs he put a gate.
>His genitalia will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-07 174928.jpg (287x428, 15.55K)

>That could be your son one day.
Implying anyone here will ever have children.

Attached: transtl15.jpg (1564x1564, 229.21K)

Raiden! Focus on the mission!