Wanting to ban children from tranny drag shows is now considered controversial

>wanting to ban children from tranny drag shows is now considered controversial

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How seamlessly right wingers transition from an expansive made up narrative about the left trying to indoctrinate your kids, to now the right wingers say they will decide how parents raise their kids.

Now they regulate women's vaginas, how long before they move on to regulating what men do with their dicks?

Yeah, don't fuck kids groomer.

No it's not. Stop listening to these crackheads

At least people are adopting common sence

Disgusting tranny freaks

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If a parent wants to put their kid in drag they should lose their kids to the state.

Well, that's how fags reproduce after all.
They don't even see molesting children as wrong, and react with violence when not allowed to.

The difference is one involves grooming and the other doesn't. You deserve to dox yourself for justifying pedophilia.

>Implying the cities will even enforce anything

I mean there’s no “bring your kids to a strip club day”

no no, think in the hecking trannierinnos!


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You're absolutely right, all fornication and adultery should be made illegal.

According to recent reports, the next generation isn't fucking any way.

Ok, groomer. Day of the rope…


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>regulating what men do with their dicks
like rape?

Imagine a mtf rape.

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Sorry. Ftm.
>I only care that they stay. So i can meme.

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Keep pushing. You have no idea how close you are to causing a holy war.

go back groomer

> I believe in small government

t. Groomer

Spot on, friendo!
Sadly, most replies to you simply confirm your comment...

>expansive made up narrative about the left trying to indoctrinate your kids
Desperate cope from a gaslighting faggot
>now the right wingers say they will decide how parents raise their kids.
Child rapists can't be parents
>Now they regulate women's vaginas
Having an elective creampie without taking broth control is the whores fault.

Jesus, the MSM really did a number on you

kys groomer

>Now they regulate women's vaginas

They're not 'regulating vaginas'. They're saying that you're not allowed to murder babies anymore.

Most babies don't want to be murdered.