Opinions on Indian intellectuals??

They are currently leading tech and medicine

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is that what brahmin are called now?

Tech and medicine are currently garbage.

Good morning sirs

So are whites
Nice cope btw

It's hilarious that this makes arrogant Indians become even more cocky and prideful

>Opinions on Indian intellectuals
Western companies ruined or almost ruined by imported Indian workers
Fwiw, I don't want to completely shit on you guys, you have a parallel, world class pharmaceutical industry which manufacture top-tier (and significantly cheaper) pharmaceuticals that export and IP laws keep at bay from the people who need them.

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Were humble
Not pathetic like German and Dutch

We don't even show 1/100th of pride that a white trash or a negro shows.

We've got empathy
Unlike whites

Mostly traitors.

>Fires 1000 workers on zoom call
>Ships job back to India
>Muh empathy
I'm Indian btw. If you want to see true empathy search on Google about a guy in California who took a 1 million dollar cut and gave it all to his employees. That guy is what all workers of the world should aspire to be when they are bosses eventually.

Friend, I don't hate all indians, but my racial awakening was due to a dalit who, upon meeting me, told me to my face that i was "jealous because I fuck your White women" when he didn't know me from a bar of soap. This was in a semi-professional setting, btw.
Just so that you know.
Really killed my empathy for some reason.

They all look higher caste, must be mixed with euro
I bet you're some dravidian street shitter though

He didn't directly bring up race, you did. Therefore you are the one trying to cope.

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I have worked with enough outsourced Indian tech support to know that they are not a threat. They’re just the cheapest.

They aren't. They just parasite off whites work. They even go to white countries to do it. Lol.

their insecurity and ugliness will cause the fall of the West.

Lol whites steal

They'll unironically save the west

Not in person but many are secretly arrogant. There are many of those jeets in jewtube comments sections.

>There are many of those jeets in jewtube comments sections.
They're bots were humble irl

There was a time where only nerdy whites and asian dudes in America and Europe used the internet, imagine how nice a street-shitter free internet must've been.

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I've always hated whites for some reason

Jewish influence makes anyone easy to hate.

Oh god. I will never work for an one again. Horrific. No sane industry would put them in charge of anything.