Who was the better leader, Any Forums

Who was the better leader, Any Forums

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The one who didn't kill themselves

Both are stupid nonevropeans

if you have to ask you shouldnt be here

Honestly, both were pretty great.

If only those two autists could find a compromise. A lot of german POWs said they never wanted to fight soviets and Hitler's attack on USSR after separation of Poland was retarded.

The one that wasn't controlled by jews, so neither.

I've read stuff about how the USSR was planning to attack Germany anyways, but I still feel if they had been allies against the West, the world would be a much better place today.

I’d say Stalin because he had a lot of balls. My original was going to be Hitler because nothing Stalin did can compare with how he captivated and led a country out of the pits. But Stalin won because Stalin went full force. He had a much higher death count than Hitler and yet they still celebrate him in Russia. Because he won. He was a ruthless, calculated administrator who was the perfect fit for the state he was running. No one wanted to cross him, Hitler could be a dick, but if you even went as much as a smidge against Stalin, your entire family was shipped to Siberia.
I’ve heard that too.

Is this the new shitnigger narrative now? Trying to trick Any Forums into becoming even more communist than it is, by pretending there's some common ground between the nazis and the commie kikes?

Stalin was one of the greatest leaders and Marxists of all time.

Stalin is literally why you have social benefits like health care because the west was scared of people getting jealous of Russia.

Meanwhile Hitler was anti worker and genocided via ww2 whist helping the rich and blaming jews on what capitalists do.

Authoritarians may disagree with ideologies, but can usually find a level of understanding with one another and respect.

also 8 work day I think

>Trying to trick Any Forums into becoming even more communist than it is
Any Forums constantly has threads where people say they want to kill communists so I don't think that makes any sense. The Strasser bros did believe there was common ground between Germany and the USSR, but Hitler's financial backers were not going to go for that.

The one who succeeded?


>Stalin is literally why you have social benefits like health care because the west was scared of people getting jealous of Russia.
That would be Lenin, Trotsky, and the massive amounts of violent strikes and riots in the US. This period of history gets glossed over because they don’t want people getting bright ideas about what really gets the ruling class willing to throw bread crumbs.


Absolute retardation

>Stalin because he had a lot of balls
This is also a good point. When most of the Soviet government ran away east during the battle of Moscow, Stalin remained in the city and attended his annual giant military parade in Red Square as per usual, where the parading soldiers were heading directly from Red Square to the front. Stalin staying in the city boosted the defenders morale enormously and may have changed the outcome of the battle.

That's not an answer though, you're supposed to pick one.

Hitler's ideology was superior
Stalin was the better pragmatist

Because running would have been instant death for him.

>USSR was planning to attack Germany anyways
Unlikely. Stalin was actually quite cautious, unlike dumbass Hitler

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Communist jew anti-white fat slob who kissed men on the mouth.

Or the only man of our times who fought against the jews.


Do you mean Stalin evacuating would have meant military defeat for his country? or do you think someone in his own government would have killed him in that scenaro?

Yeah. Nazbolism has grown a lot more popular on this board ever since 2018 and the Trump betrayal. Ironically these guys are pretty similar to Trumptards themselves, though they come from the other end of the political spectrum

Look up the books Icebreaker and Stalin's War.

>Communist jew anti-white fat slob who kissed men on the mouth.
he always said no homo before so its ok

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I meant at that point Stalin's grip on power was the weakest it ever was and him fleeing in the dead of night to some shithole in the east would have guaranteed an internal party coup and his disappearance.

i've had a marxist cunt tell me hitler was the better leader kek

Interesting point. Since the experts all expected Moscow to be captured by Germany, maybe a big part of Stalin's runaway government were actually Germany would get rid of him for them.

Probably a seething Trotskyist.

>the one who led his country into ruins and into decades of foreign occupation
She sounds like a real genius.

I like left a lot more but right survived the war

It almost happened - Britain almost bombed Baku in 1940, which would have forced an alliance between Nazi Germany and the USSR

Damn, I never knew this. Operation Pike...

Hitler was low IQ and didn't read. Stalin in contrast read hundreds of pages a day and had a library with thousands of volumes, all of them annotated, indicating he actually read thousands of books throughout his life

>Britain almost bombed Baku
There was an idea of how it could be done. Militaries love contingency plans. To say it almost happened is a major exaggeration, the leadership was not blind to the dangers of triggering a nazi-bolshevik alliance.

I respect Stalin greatly but Hitler will always be the greatest man to ever live in my eyes.

Stalin, and anyone who says otherwise deserves the rope