America First Groyper General Gets Restrained By Order Of Metokur

Mister Metokur is getting a restraining order against Ethan Oliver Ralph, unhinged and deranged alleged rapist and convicted revenge pornographer who has threatened him multiple times on stream. His wife can't take it anymore, she's crying and shaking! Possible emotional damages lawsuit incoming??? This is America First for you! Wow!

Thankfully when he gets the order he will be able to make fun of Ralph and Nick Fuentes without them retaliating with vile slander and death threats against the family!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Metokur should buy a house with stairs.

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Why did Nick Fuentes attach himself and America First to Ethan Ralph again?

>the face of America First in 2022
What the fuck happened?

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I simply do not give a fuck about any of these people

He might have been where all the cum was hiding. There’s a lot of nooks and crannies in an Ethan Ralph.

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What a pussy

I'm pretty certain he's trying to goad piggy into doing something stupid.

So he can shoot him in the head completely legally lmfao that would be fucking hilarious.

Why do people support an exposed FBI rat running an FBI honeypot? His best friend and former co-host Patrick exposed him after Nick got picked up by the FBI for his Jan 6 involvement. They put him on no-fly list, froze his bank accounts, and seized his bitcoin. Patrick told him to go public with the fact he was being investigated and monitored by the FBI, but instead days after he was questioned, he created a website, streaming service, donation processing system all in one week (wonder who helped him program and set it all up so fast) and then organized an entire event that required people's name and credit card info just to attend.

Why did Nick make all the effort to keep it secret that he was being investigated by the FBI and host an event that provided prime intel for the feds on who is supporting him financially instead of letting people know and giving them the option to not get dragged in with him?

Ever wonder why Patrick Casey and the original crew abandoned him? Why do you think he pals around with Baked Alaska, a confirmed FBI informant?

He's an informant just like Hal Turner was, because of the trouble he got into from Jan 6.

Video of Patrick Casey exposing Nick Fuentes for being a fed informant. Starts at the 7 minute mark:

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Him and everyone associated with the Spicler drama are the biggest faggots on the internet.

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lmfao he pwned him so effin good

oh wait, there are people on here who actually are interested this these e-celebs? Oh wait, it's just e-celebs making threads about themselves and their clique, gaaaaay

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Considering the circumstances a restraining order is wise. However broadcasting that shit on Twitter is fucking retarded.

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nick and ralph are such evil human beings. can't believe i ever used to like nick. (never liked ralph, didn't even really know people were so dedicated to alog him, until nick started defending him)


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No Jim No!!!! We need the Ralphamale to continuously humiliate himself for 10 more years, we need to milk the Gunt grease kino till he drops dead. Don't kill him, please.

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Because Nick has a cult fanbase of emotionally stunted teenage boys.

Ethan Ralph? The Gamergate faggot? Why the fuck is anyone talking about that retard in 2022?

>Make your career by exploiting and publicly shaming autistic lolcows
>File a restraining order when someone says they are going to take a picture of you

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I have 0 idea , why Nick"the big gay fag" Fuentes boat anchored his "political movement" to a convicted sex offender and drug addict.
For a guy who screeched about "optics", what are the optics on Ralph?


There’s no proof he filed a restraining order, is there? This is just more salty nikker lovers coping.

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