Islamic Inbreeding

>Nicolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into a little-known problem in the Muslim world: the disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first-cousins.
>This practice, which has been prohibited in the Christian, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world.

>The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health.

>According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred. In Pakistan , the numbers approach 70%. Even in England, more than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, and in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.
>>The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia , 64% in Jordan , and Kuwait , 63% in Sudan , 60% in Iraq , and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar .
>According to the BBC, this Pakistani, Muslim-inspired inbreeding is thought to explain the probability that a British Pakistani family is more than 13 times as likely to have children with recessive genetic disorders. While Pakistanis are responsible for three percent of the births in the UK , they account for 33% of children with genetic birth defects.

> >The British geneticist, Professor Steve Jones, giving The John Maddox Lecture at the 2011 Hay Festival had stated in relation to Muslim inbreeding, "It is common in the Islamic world to marry your brother’s daughter, which is actually [genetically] closer than marrying your cousin."

What are the political implications of this?

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>The British geneticist, Professor Steve Jones, giving The John Maddox Lecture at the 2011 Hay Festival had stated in relation to Muslim inbreeding, "It is common in the Islamic world to marry your brother’s daughter, which is actually [genetically] closer than marrying your cousin."

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>which has been prohibited in the Christian
Catholics in Europe made you get permission from your local bishop along with a donation.Think of the reeeeeeee from the prods since they were ok with it,just look at the brit royal family.

>What are the political implications of this?
Pakis die out after a few generations I hope

>Other negative consequences of inbreeding include a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths and a 50% increase in the possibility that a child will die during labor.

>Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. According to Sennels, research shows that children of consanguineous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as "retarded," increases by an astonishing 400 percent among children of cousin marriages. (Similar effects were seen in the Pharaonic dynasties in ancient Egypt and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a significant period of time.)

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>average Britbong, 2030.

>muh inbreeding meme.
Nobody cares about your dumb wigniggers and their fake science.
You dumb wigniggers still can't explain why jews make you intellectually look like niggers in comparison despite jews being heavily inbred themselves.

>You can marry your brother's daughter in Islam.
Proof that dumb wigniggers are always lying and making bullshit up.

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>Literally you.

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they all need to be killed. or they need to submit to some authority that isn't their faggity dying retarded poisonous religion. their beliefs taught them to destroy what defined them through evolution. permanently. Who knows what has been lost with such scrambling of DNA if such is true?

>they all need to be killed. or they need to submit to some authority that isn't their faggity dying retarded poisonous religion. their beliefs taught them to destroy what defined them through evolution. permanently. Who knows what has been lost with such scrambling of DNA if such is true?
stfu amerifat.

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god damn these are some ugly lookin motherfuckers right here. how the fuck can you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and continue on looking like that. Jesus H, Fucking Christ

Tell your mum who's also your aunt and your sister that I said hi

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My village was raided by natives 150 years ago and half our "town" was killed. 355 deaths. My great-great-grandfather engineered the railroad to the shitty mining town. get fucked I'm not a potato-nigger or a maplesyrup-nigger like you.

It implies there is no salvation for these subhumans, but we keep letting them pouring in by the hundreds of thousands anyway

>What are the political implications of this?
That muslims are mentally deficient, smelly, filthy, stupid, swarthy, dune dwelling sandniggers that are useless to the world.
Who would've known?

time to burn some niggers

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post a couple pics and suddenly everyone wants to be with me or be me

fuck sake

So this is the power of gaslighting...
>What is gaslighting?
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind.
Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.

Obviously that we need to mix races more to avoid this issue going forward.


I've seen you in the wild. Do you deliver for uber eats?

yeah, in the runcorn area

Let's mix Pakis with dogs
I feel bad for the dogs being degraded but it should improve the Pakis

He's probably one of those behind the cop kek


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