Trump betrayed us

Trump betrayed us.

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>He wasn’t an Apollonian

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Betrayed implies he was ever on your side to begin with.

Wtf you talking about? He literally "locked her up" like he cheered

No you betrayed him spic.

nope. he had to save his ass so he can come back and a little jail time is good self improvement for the Patriots. God loving Patriots please hold fast, Patriots sre in control.

He was never with us to begin with, dumbass. You can't get even nominated unless you unequivocally support Israel.

>ID t. Kys 3xl
>My ID almost says Goku

it was a fun 4 years though.
i hope descantis runs and easily wins

>Trump betrayed you.

Not us.

Exactly! Trump has been sucking Jew cock since the early 80's.

Picrel is him with Roy Cohn. Epstein was Cohn's replacement...from the early 60's into the late 80's Cohn was Israel's procurer of of small children to be used in pedophilia black mail operations.

Trump is a Heel, like in professional wrestling. Nothing more.

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Any country that has "real" politics is either sanctioned to oblivion or villainized and isolated.
You'll start noticing the pattern, for example, they always push for radical stuff, pressurize until it happens and then allow for the" lid" to be lifted a bit to release frustration and pressure.
Anyone you find yourself "liking" in modern politics, is probably an asset used to lift off the lid and let the boiling "pot" breathe a bit.

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Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.

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Right. He was Jewish. He was Gigajewish. Spencer is a faggot and so are you.

Fun fact: Cohn was an openly known 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason. Who's to say Trump isn't, as well?

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He tried to warn us. He's the snake that wanted more immigration.

>forced to hold back and watch country burn for 2 years
>tens of thousands of people just thinking "if he just gave the word, I fucking would"
>he gives the word, be here at this time
>people show up
>he wusses out
>pardons niggers

Someone either approached him behind closed doors and made a very clear threat, or he was a blatant sleeper asset courtesy ZOG.

I doubt it. What's your source here, OP?

Trump betrays everyone don’t take it personal

he trusted kikes like his son in law. that was his mistake

Uh his mentor was literally a pedo kike blackmailer who died of AIDS

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I mean who doesnt sleeper for ZOG at this point. Hell, I'm awake and I shill for them.

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he straight up told you he was a scorpion riding on your back 100s of times during the campaign goyim.

Find her. You have to dig deep for the real treasure.

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what do you mean? he made israel great again

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Of course he did. Why is anyone surprised?

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Trust the plan.

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Nobody said conservatives were smart....

He didn’t want to cross the rubicon
He didn’t even want to cross the delaware
He just crossed his base