Is it too much to hope that this shit makes people snap so they finally start minecrafting politicians?

is it too much to hope that this shit makes people snap so they finally start minecrafting politicians?

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Kek, they'll be minecrafting each other first

they can inject hormones into their sons and nothing is done, trannies can rape their daughters in bathrooms and they will wring their hands.

no, nothing will be done, as Yuri said, we are now a demoralized people, nothing, no amount of information, no amount of truth, no amount of suffering, can break these people out of it.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind.
Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.

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Yuri is a faggot, I have zero doubt there will be riots.

>Nooooo you can't have price controls, it wouldn't be free market
Sayeth the side who put blackrock in charge

I hope it goes to 15+ dollars a gallon and the niggers have a chimpout and kill each other over gas

you first buddy. most people still have too much to lose to start playing minecraft.

then you'll just lose everything anyway if you keep waiting

How you doing Agent glownigger? Your post reeks of plutonium

thats the idea. sri lanka returned to monke on their politicians but its meant to collapse the government so the UN can take over instead.

literally kill yourself, shill.

"hur durr anyone who suggests people do anything is a glownigger!!!"
no, faggot, the real glowniggers are you people who try to keep everyone pacified and demoralized, fucking kike piece of shit

people will just deal like they did in 2008 when Obama literally bailed out corporations while regular people had to suffer.

give it time. people need to suffer before they welcome change. there's a powder keg building and they know it. part of me thinks they know it is inevitable, so they're trying hard to take guns, gain new tools, and harm people as much as possible that they'll fall in line like Chinese citizens. the stolen election didn't help and people will take a lot. they'll keep taking it until they can't. i think Trump delayed that a bit and they used that downtime to abuse us more. it's just like playing a Civ game.

What are you going to do?? , throw dildos at then didn't Tradeu banned weapons last week?

>Orange man bad

Your average normie is convinced everything is white people's fault.

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Im betting that its ultimately the plan so they can crack down harder.

White people embraced the kikes and are the only ones inventing
So yes

yes. just because you are smart enough to realize what needs to be done does not mean the masses will ever catch up. they are truly braindead nigger cattle, 2 years of COVID proved it.

>reading comprehension
user was trying to say.. oh fucking hell, nevermind.
good luck.

Your average normie is dying to injections.

you wont do shit

The price will never go high enough that you can't get to work and wage slave, but it will make sure you live paycheque to paycheque

you must be joking, right? i'd wager that right now that price threshold has been met; the only thing keeping the lights on are credit cards.

if in the next few months gas prices don't decline (among other staples) you will start seeing headlines about americans and credit card debt limits being reached. Which means that the collapse is around the corner.

Fear mongering.

dude. before the spike in prices (food/housing/gas) americans by and large lived paycheck to paycheck -- with next to no savings.
>gas doubles
>food doubles (namely meat)
>housing.. hopefully you have a fixed rate mortgage, or a kind hearted landlord
how do you suppose people are getting by? and how long can it be sustained?
and what is the outcome?

This is Russia's fault.

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Nope. If you haven't done it yet and you see most of whats going on behind the scenes, the normies are going to do it because of fucking gas prices. Get off your ass and do it yourself.

*the normies aren't going to do it

It will be magatards and shitlibs killing each other. Nothing cool that actually matters like politicians, bankers and ceos getting hung from lamp posts.

no they will double down on falseflags then enact martial law