500 days in, Joe Biden the least popular president ever

Joe Biden holds the lowest approval rating of any U.S. president in polling history at day 500 of their respective presidencies. Even Donald Trump's was higher.

Attached: 538.jpg (962x1065, 206.06K)

orange man bad
orange man bad
orange man bad
orange man bad

When will normies wake up and stop listening to the brain washing coming from the machine learning algorithms programming their thoughts? Oh wait, they won't. The amount of power they wield right now should make you more concerned than you are right now.

Not sure why I used 'right now' twice, but I am not a bot trying to program you. I am a human trying to program you.

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This is so stupid.
Take it from an actual American and not a Russian with a VPN, Joe Biden is insanely popular and good for our nation.

Just go out and ask any person on the street. Biden is the best president in history.

Attached: FKxGvi7XIAAySxY.png (1200x676, 37.41K)

get off the vpn vlad, real Americans know that Biden is good.

Attached: 1year_1080x1080_11.png (1080x1080, 217.77K)

Good for those in power, awful for about everyone else.


Media being willing to show how close the numbers are means his real approval is much lower than that.

>Almost 60% of Americans think Biden is a failure
>Chink propaganda fag on a vpn calling anyone critical of Biden a Russian.


What a great time to spend money on all that

After losing more jobs than that it's very easy to be the best per month... who do you think you're fooling?

>repairing American Infrastructure is BAD
lol retarded republicans everyone!

>>Almost 60% of Americans think Biden is a failure
Same poll that said Trump would win right?

It's not bad but the timing is terrible and why would anyone trust Biden to do it when he failed everything so far?

Besides, spending is easy. What matters is the result after that.

>After losing more jobs
Who lost the jobs?
Starts with Dipshit and ends with the biggest Orange Turd that ever set foot in the white house.
Thanks to Biden, we actually recovered over 50% of all those jobs.

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trump did win.

>force all jobs to shutdown because muh coof
>be in office for only a few months
>open all those jobs back up
>average of 6 million jobs created per month for guy who has only been in office a few months

I met a guy at the Brewery the other day who had this mentality. Holy fuck was it painful to listen to him fawn over Biden. Even people who weren't apart of the conversation were gripping the edges of the table and gritting their teeth. When he finished his beer and left everyone was shaming him and stating their disbelief in how someone could like Biden so much.

Lmao, I feel sorry for Lefties.

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You're still crying about Trump? Fail. It's obvious you don't believe in Biden if you're showing a graph that explains how Trump lost many jobs at the end of his presidency. That's the explanation btw, covid, and you know it. Biden at best recovered the lost jobs, he didn't gain any.

>vaccine roll-out
>declare covid over
>economy jumps back after lock-downs
>sleep your way through first term
>65% approval easy
>still managed to fuck it up
they cheated for this.


Luckily Democrats are very patient and tolerant and will wait for you with open arms when you realize electing a reality tv show host wasn't the best idea.

>$5 a gallon
>good for the country

Ok since you're such a big fan of Biden, what he did he do so great besides recovering lost jobs and approving the infrastructure "investment" and jobs act? I'm waiting.

Gas prices would be even higher if we did not have Biden.

*mic drop*

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Man oh man does this record feel oh so corrected

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You're just shitposting. Got it

wtf is that? A left meme? It's so full of text

>ask for examples of what Biden has done
>gets a short list
>complains about not being able to read more than 5 words
yep, that sums up your average Any Forumstard.

Literally none of that is good for America

still not voting ZOGnald

Attached: Trump One Pump.png (732x1154, 835.4K)

Mad that a reality show host made the entire cabal look like a bunch of rightful senile retards that embezzle more then they earn

>ignore reality, goy
>imagine this bullshit hypothetical scenario I pulled out of my ass
Lmao this is what happens when you outsource your shilling brigades to cheap third-world labour