This is the collapse. You're living it. This is it

Word(s) of the day
>Catabolic Collapse

As maintenance costs in a complex society increase, return of investments drop until they reach zero or even negative. When this happens, the cost of running the infrastructure of society eclipse the resources (money, energy, resources) available and a crisis emerges. In this crisis society sheds some complexity and deadweight to decrease maintenance costs which temporarily resolves the crisis and society continues running for a while longer until the next crisis. This shedding decreases the standard of living for many of the inhabitants in the collapsing civilization, decreases investments in processes and infrastructure that are required for long term survival (industry, roads, schooling, etc) which in turn creates instability and rising maintenance costs, making the next crisis inevitable. This process is compounded by other factors such as resource depletion, ethnic and political instability, external pressure to hasten the mechanism of the catabolic collapse

The first of these crises was the oil crisis of 1974 and the creation of the rust belt. The next was in 2007 and the financial meltdown. We're seeing the third crisis right now. The series of crises interspersed with periods of relative stability will continue until the civilization has reached a steady state. The end state will be a deindustrialized USA with 5% of the today's population, the majority of which will live on subsistence farming in the few areas which still have topsoil and are not ruined by pollution.

Have a nice day, anons and prepare accordingly.

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>normie fat tards and redditors starve to death
God I wish.

big jeweytits

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This woman isn't even attractive.

Did you actually include schools in needed infrastructure for survival? Lmfao, mandatory public schooling has only ever existed in collapsed societies or societies which are currently collapsing.

Mongol nomads, who have existed for millennia uninterrupted, do not in fact have mandatory public school.

How 2 get big titty vampire gf

Yeah she is not as beautiful as if she was glowing with my load inside her, but she looks amazing

did someone shot a big load on her left eye and damaged it?

Evil does not win.

Higher education is needed for running a complex society. As we progress with the collapse it will disappear completely as will all the knowledge we have gathered in the last few hundred years.

Evil wins all the time unfortunately.

Shedding complexity isn't necessarily a bad thing, maybe the things it entails are. But our society has become too complex in general, and this disconnects the average person from it. Something happened in the last century that changed the way we live, we can argue about the exact date the decline started but ts clear.

This bitch has a hole cut into her stomach so she can constantly leak shit into a bag.

Need more money fo dem school programz.

Economic collapse and Balkanization of the USA is inevitable. The demographics and currency devaluation are too far gone. There will be a civil war that turns into a race war after white cucks are betrayed by their nonwhite comrades. Whites will finally lose their empathy for other races. The white nation born from the corpse of the USA will wage war on the spic nation. Water going to the Southwest will be cut off. The Uvalde school massacre proved spics are cowards regardless of training and gear. This time whites won’t take mercy on them by stopping at Mexico City. All spics will be eradicated and everything to the Panama Canal will be annexed.

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I would like to insert my cock into her vagina if you know what I mean.

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Dude, it's pride month, you can just say you're a massive faggot.

built for BBC

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It's not a bad thing, GAE is gay and evil and needs to fall. It will be supremely unpleasant though.


The US will be a great slave colony.
>Jews will own everything
>Whites will manage operations
>Everyone else will get dem gibs
Something between Brazil and South Africa. But Jews making it even more unliveable.

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Wouldn't it be more accurate to say the JGAE? Americans don't actually have a say in any of this shit, and the people in charge of it have just as many fingers in Europe's pie.

I dunno, I just heard the cool kids say it and I was repeating it.

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I will never fuck a girl like that my wife would be pissed

>Swedish flag
>Calling anyone faggot

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It will be, but then again at least these normalfags won't be able to deny reality anymore, nor punish me for it, and I'll finally be free to do whatever I want to rectify the situation in a lawless environment. They better drop their leftyfag BS cause a storm is coming brotha.

When was this ever the case?

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