White man!

The Black militias are prepped, today we march on D.C. to overthrow the White Devil government and to establish the Eternal Throne of Kemet. Your reign is over White man, your world is over. After a thousand eons the reign of the African God-Kings has returned. The Mighty and Fearsome African Gods of Kemet have ordained this moment. It is futile to resist. You who shamed us White Devil, oppressed us, treated us as naught but refuse to be discarded. Today we avenge and vindicate ourselves. The True History will be established and taught. WE ARE UNITED! You WILL bow or die. You WILL be slaves to the BLACK KINGS!

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Please nigger, do it! Pleeeeeease I beg you. Lets get this over with.
This better not be another vain threat like the othe 100 tousand times...

1. Niggers don't use punctuation, let alone correctly.
2. Niggers don't have the attention span to put text like this together
2/10 for making me reply Moshe, 0/10 plausibility

>The Black militias are prepped, today we march on D.C. to overthrow the White Devil government and to establish the Eternal Throne of Kemet.
No you're not.

I work in residential hvac and often see this kinda stuff in more affluent black houses. I always get a chuckle out of it.

Yes please go and overthrow white devil biden. That racist has done too much damage to poc folks.

Niggers can't even feed a family of four and you expect me to believe they're capable of waging a gorilla (kek) war on Whites and win?

I wish a nigger would try fr fr no cap

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Damn, I guess blacks really are 100% ready to have their very own thing now separate from everyone else! Fantastic! I knew they were 100% capable and talented enough to achieve this!

I wish this wasn't a LARP. Niggers don't understand the repercussions should DC fall.

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omg haha this would be hilarious. you won't do it.

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historically the worst thing for blacks has been being ruled by blacks

Nigger please!

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Washington DC is actually 50% African American population... so you might be disappointed.

Also, niggers are the only people with no self respect that allow themself to be enslaved and go along with it.

Blacks are incapable of cooperating with each other to coordinate any kind of tactical unification.


WE (Sage)

Of course we are capable of being independent you CracKKKa. We are the Master Race. Need I remind you of the intergalactic BLACK Atlantean Empire? You honkeys were still primitive apes living in caves when we gracefully and mercifully bestowed civilization on yo ass.

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>bix noodles

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Nice get.

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Not a single nigger is going to fight for you when push comes to shove kike lol

>today we march on D.C. to overthrow the White Devil government
100% I unironically wish you nignogs would do this.

imagine putting the effort in to make a larp thread. imagine.

Bump yall