What will a world without white people look like?

What will a world without white people look like?

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Not white

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A better place. Have you seen the posts on this disgusting shithole? 90% white rage.

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Damn her and her mom are qt as fuck.

Why did she do it bros?

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Billions will die of starvation, technology will stagnate and reverse it's course, it will be a new Dark Ages that will last 1000 years. Truly the devil's reign on Earth. Good luck with that.

inb4 cope and seethe.....How's Africa doing after trillions in aid and countless years of effort. Exactly.

Kek. No photos of her dad.

>she doesn't have a father
>the meme is real

would you, pol?

You just know

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What am I looking at here?

A lot of the minority countries and cities white people didn't meddle in are doing quite nicely. That is very few though because white people can't mind their own business

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Someone eventually will figure it out and basically invent everything we know.
My bet is on poos or asians

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Even North Africa says no.

No photos of the farther ...interesting. probs a single mum.

One side was built by mutts and blacks, the other one was built by whites. Guess which one is which

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always raises a smile when I see this map and notice that the African countries have the lowest rates lol

Nah, dude pretty sure Africans just didn't evolve.

Compare the eye color.
No amount of bleaching will bring that back.

god, that's sad.

Its Green and eco friendly because they Shit in the same place they fish and get drinking water

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A city of 2 million, Port au Prince Haiti with no sewage system except for 5 or 6 sewage canals but everybody dumps their garbage in the sewage canals and they get all filled up and blocked. So when it rains rivers of shit 4 feet deep run down the street.

Niggaz don't do sewers. Ancient Rome constructed excellent sewer systems...but niggaz don't do that. It's whitey's fault.

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probably a lot like china
definitely no niggers
white people are the only retards stupid enough to have people in their race vouching for those subhumans
with white people gone
niggers = slaves or dead

Beautiful genes wasted on creating this eternally ungrateful soulless negroid.


she's gorgeous and an upgrade from her mom


It's the feeling you get when you know dad's gone. Forever.

There will be no more certainty, no more authority for right and wrong. It'll just be a confusing decaying mess. It will be a dark time

Same as a world without blacks. Based and Roman-pilled

one of the cutest mixed girls I've ever seen
I'm ok with blonde girls taking BBC if this is the result

The Norwegians spent about $10 million 20 years ago built Port au Prince a water treatment plant so they could have clean drinking water but the niggers looted all the copper pipes and wires out of it and the Norwegians abandoned their charitable project. No potable water for Port au Prince. kek

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Anti indigenous propaganda. White people killed way more of then than the other way around

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*Hands up as if surrender
Who are they worshipping? George Floyd?

There are a ton of them where I live

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Probably Japan, if they had been allowed to continue their expansion into the main land aisa would be 100 years more advanced and we wouldn't have communists china

>>Not expecting Mel Gibson to make minorities look like monsters

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

Visit Malmo and find out.


You are truly a fucking subhuman.
She looks like a dried out mummy with gorilla features.