Wealth of Spain

What went wrong?

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judging by the jeans the men wear

they all went gay

everyone who was envious of them plotted against them
english raided their merchant fleet
french fermented revolution in spain
and the massive death toll and investment into the 30 years war ate the rest of the gold money

When colonialism's gains equal the costs, that's when you're lucky, usually it will drain away your money. Save for a small caste that will influence your country into furthering the venture.

Wasted on bribes, gifts, opulent court and mercenaries. Being the protector of the catholic church was expensive

the whole europe turned against us with war after war and the anglo jew stole all our achievements

how the fuck do you know this with that flag? not even normie spaniards know



Seems to be some Roman-Iberian curse kek

Anglos and Germanics suffer from too much individualism, and the Mediterranean countries/colonies (Spain, Greece, Argentina, etc) suffer from economic mismanagement driven by too much collectivism, at least, that’s my observation . You may know better

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seeth more juden, truth is spain didnt sucked the richness out of america, it mostly reinvested like 80% there

Look at then now. Wasted their treasury on pointless wars in Europe.
Bullshit. It was reinvested into the hands if the colonial elites. You barely saw income from the colonies, mostly through the mint in Potosi.

it really depends at white time in history you check, this wasnt the case at all in francos spain

Because he went through the same thing kek

The difference, however, is that even tho the world ganged on Germany, they eventually recovered (economically speaking) . What stopped Spain’s recovery tho?

Anyone who thinks individualism is a problem is a fucking moron. The problem is when collectivist ideas, or when people's individualist leanings, hold sway in the public realm. This takes place where the state, itself backed by coercion, enforces certain policies when in reality the market ought to dictate.

>What went wrong?
This en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_of_Jews_from_Spain

yea i know that you’re salty with us for expelling your lot and that you conspired against spain from england, where you settled, and that your lies worked for you pretty well as always, im look at my flag, fag, you cant lie to me about Spain.

> reinvested into the hands if the colonial elites
Stop reflecting kike, jew british bankers....

The entanglement in the Netherlands was Spain's (or really the Spanish Habsburg's) Biggest mistake by far. They has no business that far north.

We went full prosperity from there tho

>What stopped Spain’s recovery tho?
Spain was purely a colonial power with mandatory afternoon siesta. Germany was also a colonial power but also an industrial powerhouse .

> recovered
you mean jews bought germany while francos spain was the last bastion of resistance? german ‘recovery’ was literally selling their soul for some shekels. I dont expect anyone in europe nor even the world admit Spain is top 3 based countries on earth.

I did not lie. Like the kraut said you wasted your money on wars on Europe. Wasted it on bribes to elect the Spanish king as emperor. Wasted men on your campaigns in Italy abed the lowlands
He said Europe conspired against you. I agree.

lol we fucking conquered the world after that

For a hundred years, revenge take time and is a dish best served cold

How was Germany a colonial power?

The mighty lands of Namibia...

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Battle of Antwerp 1584-1585 gave rise to the city of London, all the merchants went there after Farnese tried to make everyone convert to Catholicism

> spanish empire
> colonial
colonialism didnt even exist during spanish empire, its an anglo thing, fag

That was for about 30 years.

I remember when the geopolitical/“Historian” youtuber Whatifalthist made a video explaining Latin American civilization, and he said that the Spanish believed that wealth was when you “had gold” while the British believed it was by “making stuff”. I didn’t completely understand it, but I believe he was trying to say that the British colonial empire was more market oriented (?). Thought it was interesting to mention

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for 4 centuries, and we were perfectly fine furing franco, all we achieved was because of us and not jew bankers like usa or anglo filth

Lisen jew fucker, we invested the fucking gold in churches, cities, hospitals... You England just build your slave trade shit which loaded with niggers America. All slave traders were fucking jews. Fucking hebrews.

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Germany was a colonial power for a short time before WW1. After WW1 the bongs and the frogs splited that between them.

Funny thing is that if you ask most of those countries, particularly the ones under french rule, they will tell it was better under Germany.

its a shame what happened to the spanish colonial power i wonder what would have happened if they went full Canadian/Australian style instead of race mixing

Shitty red traitors...

> market oriented
thats correct, english colonialism was actually jew colonialism with no soul