Why do Hispanics identify as white?

You people look in the mirror? Spics are literally the 56% percent meme and they don't even know it.

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What makes you think you're any better than niggers?

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Why don't whites go back to their fucking continent?

I don't know about America, probably a chicano complex but in Mexico, people with high european admixture live in completely different societies than people with low admixture and usually are high middle class, which is small, so it's mostly compromised with Westernized views (including the pozzed shit, mind you)
We're coloquially called güeros (weh-ros)

Some spic destroyed millions worth of ancient Greek art in Dallas, last Wednesday. Fucking mexicans

Fuck you nigger, the world IS my continent

The loathsome dung eater

It's funny but I've genuinely wondered about this
Like i know we talk about america becoming majority hispanic eventually. But won't most of those hispanics eventually marry a white person and then those kids will start identifying as white?

It's the worms! These niggers have worms and the worms make them do mass shootings while pretending to be white. Big red pill: worms are the real enemy of the white man, not Jews.

Why do you care if you get enough sunlight to look like that or not? It's such a big waste of time. "Hispanics" identify themselves by their culture or country of origin before skin color. It's like that everywhere.

There's gonna be a generation Nick Fuentes popping in the near future.

Most people would say I'm white. Purists would say nah you're X because you don't have blue eyes, blonde hair and you don't look as pale as a Irish. But am I American if I move you say Florida? No. I'm still Portuguese. I wouldn't fit immediately in the culture and would act Portuguese.

He’s white, saying he’s not is just weird cope

dios mio...

Your race and culture are fucking trash and it persists entirely by shoving it in everyone's face because no one would participate in it by choice.

They literally dont. Jews who compile statistics do it to skew peoples perspective.

What would you call him if it's not white? Hispanic is not a color. Toasted?

>Why do Hispanics identify as white?
99% of people living in the US does that even when only like 20% are.

You ever seen half spic half white kids? There are a few on my block and theyre so fucking ugly. Theyve got nappy nigger hair and ape like facial features. The one male looks like a habbo doll with a two foot affro and the girl has nasty curly shitskin hair. Fucking gross i always have to fight the urge to run them over when i pass them in my car

la vatnik creatura

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Are any of you even real?

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Thank you for showing your true face as the soldiers of evil.

Go cope over being a fucking goblin no one loves in your shithole.

You are not white either, retard. Post physique.


He's French.

I literally don't care what a homosexual demon monkey thinks. There's nothing but rape and pederasty in your shitskin brain in the first place.