Does Any Forums think society will collapse soon? If so, when?

Does Any Forums think society will collapse soon? If so, when?

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It already has, dipshit.

okay Mrs. Garrison

Abortion is based.

precisely two weeks.

The collapse is all around you. You are living in the middle of it.

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motherhood for a real woman is already dangerous enough even with medical intervention. what makes them think it'll be even remotely possible with a fake one
lmfao fucking retards

It already is collapsing, user.

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It will completely collapse soon, yes. As to an exact time frame? I'm unsure. Any time from ten minutes from now, to a couple of years. I don't see society standing for much longer than maybe a couple of years.

>he doesn't know
It's already happened, you're just watching it play out in slow motion. Like a plane crash.

Drop this notion of "collapse". You favour it because you have visions of an exciting collapse scenario. In realty you will live in a slow tedious decline until the day you die.

Yes for Jews , their golems and of course niggers

Never. And if it does, things will only get worse.

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were running on momentum now. the enemy could drop all pretence with a gun grab or some kike version where they "disarm mentally ill" right after they say right wing views are a mental illness.

The election was stolen. they ignored blm riots, and they say the first time whites stood up for even Trump it was worse than 9/11.

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Collapse is a process, not an event. It started already.

based on what

>Can you get a job that will easily cover all your basic necessities and a little extra to enjoy in your country?
>Can you find a quality woman to start a family with in your immediate area?
>Can you afford your own home?
If the answer is no to all the above, you live in a failed state and the collapse already happened.

The spread of incels, hypergamy, childfree and sodomy is a natural process of dehumanization of society. This is good.

There is a process of fracture of human society and dehumanization. The family as a cell of society will die out in the next 10-15 years.

Transhumanism and posthumans will be at such a pace already in 30-50 years.
The future will be great.

And what about the proles? They will self-destruct. Globohomo just gave the masses the freedom to be degenerates. Proles and animals are free. 90-95% of people are useless in a high-tech economy and are just wasting resources.

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What the fuck.

Based on mercy.

The end of the last ice age was the beginning our of species' collapse. We lost a good 20% on average of brain mass and sexual dimorphism reared its ugly head by killing off all the women in equal physical and mental stature to men. You don't recover from that, ever. It permanently changed mating habits for the worse and it introduced a massive class of NPCs that didn't exist before. NPCdom is a survival strategy by ensuring the humans don't think too much in chaotic situations. Hence our love for the alpha male that will save the day (Jesus, Hitler, Trump, , you name it) no matter how stupid or psychopathic he may be.