Double minimum wage

>double minimum wage
>the burden of inflation is now transferred to big corp's shoulders instead of worker's

anyone who disagrees is actually a jew shill payed by rich capitalists

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That will only drive up inflation as corps increase prices to cope with paying there people more. Its just not that simple.

make it illegal to raise the prices

but the fed wants to lower wages...they're super smart people. they have ph.d's

you want a real solution, make it law that the highest paid person in a company can only make 50% more then the lowest paid person in the company. Watch wages skyrocket or CEOs take massive pay cuts.

>Big corp realizes this and shrugs it off by raising prices
>Burden now falls to the consumer
>Like it always has
>Wagies find themselves exactly where they started
>Rinse, wash, repeat.

I'm not saying I disagree with you, and you can't call me a shill, just that you stopped your timeline too soon.

Why would the price increase outpace the wage increase? Everyone buys things, not just minimum wage workers. The wealthy would bear some of the burden too.

>"Make it illegal to keep an economy running!"
Flag checks out.

Price controls won't work and production would come to a halt when resources are to expensive for your budget to allow. Businesses would close then people would have no money.

Just make garbage the new currency and now everybody is rich.

Ronald Reagan is only President in US history that used price controls

just make $1 equal to $1.
simple as.

Idiot that's not how it all. You are a slave and will die a slave. Educate yourself and maybe that will change. But I have doubts.

Profit sharing by employess would be a better option. Many craft breweries in America do this after one year of full time employment. I also worked for The Gap(old navy) one holiday season and learned the managers all get paid off with stock options. When employees get a share of profits it makes it impossible to rob them via inflation. The CEO gets richer and so does the front line worker. But idiots like you keep jumping on minimum wage and prove how stupid at maths you really are. Sad, many such cases.

>double minimum wage
>price of living rises to reflect the costs
>pay more in taxes since you're paying more for goods
>get pu
t into a higher tax bracket quicker because you're making more money

Any Forums should make it bannable for burgers to discuss wages.

You forgot the part where everybody making more than min. wage has now had their buying power reduced.

>double minimum wage
>everyone gets replaced by robots
>niggers starve en masse
>We come one step closer to robots as full and equal citizens
Based, do it

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This. Cucks in this country make $8 an hour and get charged $1100 in rent. Shit's fucked. I went to Australia where they have the highest minimum wage in the world and had much more disposable income.

>Inflation chases wages higher
>wages chase inflation higher
>inflation chases wages higher
>wages chase inflation higher
>inflation chases wages higher
Inflation will be fixed when the excess liquidity in the system is gone. Only mass unemployment and demand destruction can stop inflation
>nigger tongue my anus

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Correct. Theres only one way this ends and its going to be hard on everyone.

Price controls literally crash economies. All the government has to do is STOP PRINTING MONEY

They'll just go out of business or have the government fund the deficits which will increase inflation (or cause massive deficit and black market scalping since prices are now fixed) and you're back to square 1.