The fuck is with the dramatic increase in shootings?

the fuck is with the dramatic increase in shootings?

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It's the vaccine and videogames

People are getting mad.

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Because we just had a mass shooting so the media is over reporting the other shootings and violence always increases with the temperature.

Glows are getting bold
someone must be trying to rush things

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Elections around the corner.

Economic collapse, food shortages and war just around the corner. People are losing their minds.

Also, wasn't SCOTUS supposed to issue an opinion or ruling on an upcoming gun issue? It really wouldn't surprise me if there's some glowing shit going on to cause a spike in shootings for this reason.

Or it’s just burgers being burgers like it’s been for the last 200years.

CIA's final push to take mericans guns away

>Because we just had a mass shooting so the media is over reporting the other shootings

(((They've))) been orchestrating a lot lately to disarm us.

Poll numbers look like shit for Democrats. They need something to divide Americans and hold onto their power. They can only cheat so much without waking up normies.

Typical libturd politics over lives a la blm/antifa cuz they know they can’t win the midterms.

It’s burgers being burgers. Amerimutts literally value their big metal toys (obviously compensating for something) more than their fucking children. They are fucking deranged.


>CIA's final push to take mericans guns away
They can’t, neither legislatively nor physically. It’s a dead issue since the SCs ruled on Heller in 2008, and even if somehow they were miraculously able to pass an amendment repealing the 2A, there are between 400-600 million guns already out there. Prior attempts to get people to turn in guns, magazines, etc. that have been retroactively outlawed have had compliance rates of less than 5%.

Well the Depp trial is over, and so now before the elections, you have to give them American public something to focus on like guns, instead of food, gas, baby formula, and war in other countries.
But hey, at least we have video games, and movies.

She predicted this.

Nothing's changed, some shootings just get more press
>33 bullets fired in a New York subway
>Uh there's no video forget about it
>Buffalo shooting
If you don't get it by now there's no helping you.

canadian glowies got angry they werent getting headpats from dady schwab

society's undesirables are chimping out.

Cool it with the anti-FBI-ism
