I don't want to be rude

I don't want to be rude
But they're getting kind of annoying

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They think they are civilized white Europeans who were attacked by savage mongol shitskins

why be so nice? they're acting like niggers
they attacked russia many times and play innocent
now their women run off to saudi arabia to get their chest shitted on by a floating tablecloth while israel profits from the entire thing

They are worse than niggers, constant gibs and crime

Tim Dillon's take on it is the most side-annihilating

>who were attacked by savage mongol shitskins
on this part they definitely aren't wrong

Second part is true

>who were attacked by savage mongol shitskins
this part is true

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Du wirst Ihnen dein ganzes Vermögen geben und es geil finden du Lutscher.

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If you dislike them then arming them and sending them to kill Russians before being killed is based

>But they're getting kind of annoying
they will get fun soon

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Nazi Russian has already send 30,000 Russian Nazis to their graves in Ukraine, we should just let the Ukrainians do their thing until Nazi Russia is completely de-nazified.

>now their women run off to saudi arabia to get their chest shitted on by a floating tablecloth
mega kek


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they are playing victim card like kikes it's all so tiresome
russia can you just nuke this fuckers so our golem could nuke you afterwards?

I feel this way about all the gens

Not if you are a russian bot

that's the understatement of the year

Hahahahaha, checkem faggot.

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No. Where were they when any of us needed them?
Not my problem. Not my circus, not my clowns.

No refunds


Today they will learn

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