One of more subtle signs of signaling you want it up the ass is if your jeans don't go over your ankles...

One of more subtle signs of signaling you want it up the ass is if your jeans don't go over your ankles. The most obvious one is if you drive an electric scooter.

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Is that seriously a guy?

Probably a French "man".

Too light to be french

Damn I guess I gotta tell my wife I want it up the ass

Thx OP

>if you drive an electric scooter.
Fuck you, Trotiko was based!

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Imagine wearing jeans that sag over your shoes, just imagine.

>dress the way i tell you to dress or else you're out of the club!

Hasn’t done a barbell squat once in his entire life


the muttoid's gotta know

Or just ask her to shove pine cones up your ass and make manly grunts.

I only wear wide leg pants. Fuck slim fit.

Attached: Wide leg.jpg (416x868, 141.18K)

>posts stock image
you don't own a single pair

Did you look in the mirror?

OP not to subtly shits on the entirety of Italy

I call BS on the electric scooter. Yesterday I saw a hairy looking guy riding an electric scooter, towing a big plastic wagon with a baby and toddler, and a small kid on another, manual scooter following 'em.Unless the dreaded butt-baby has come to pass it was obvious he was on the straight and narrow. I think the gasoline lobby's doing everything it can to badmouth anything that doesn't rely on OPEC's permission to transport us.


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True gentleman.

Where do u think the electricity comes from, retard?

Hydro dams, American coal, retardedly dangerous nuclear fission, wind, solar, some guy on a pedal-dyno... What's it matter? So long as it's not some oil sheik blackmailing the nation I'm happy. I lived through the Carter years and let me tell you that'd make anyone hate gasoline. That said anyone trying to actually ban gas engines- ever- Needs to be dipped in rattlesnakes.

>One of more subtle signs of signaling you want it up the ass is if your jeans don't go over your ankles.
This is a weird way of admitting that you're a manlet.