Epic countries

Post countries that have epic dna, aka meant to do the impossible

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hola you cunt

why hello neighbour

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Spain sucks I hate it here

>Post countries that have epic dna, aka meant to do the impossible
you mean being partially nigger? in that case we both enjoy having a BBC

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I love Spain. Boring countryside but beautiful cities and beautiful people. And they got away with being a huge empire and doing loads of slavery but no one really cares, we get all the grief for some reason but whatever. The Spanish are cute and chill and I love them.

Aqui en U.S.A habemos muchos "hispanos" de tercera generacion, mi papa y abuelo nacieron aqui y nosotros tenemos pasaporte de U.S.A. de paises como Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Nicaruagua, Argentina, El Salavador, Chile, Peru etc...Que sabemmos que ustedes los espanoles son una mierda y unos maricones regidos por un gobierno de mujeres putas y reinados homosexuales "catolicos" de mierda. Me cago en la madre de tu tia, la tia de tu tia.Tio.Todos los paises que hablamos el idioma espanol hubiesemos estado mejor si los britanicos nos hubieran conquistado y no los putos espanoles de mierda con toda su corrupcion de OSTIA.

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Checked and fixed

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the absolute stateā€¦

>the whitest american
muttchud i kneel..

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The US should become a province of Spain... we'll be better off

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you wouldn't exist if the anglo protestants would have (((colonized))) that part of the world

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White people are born from albinism, a deficieny disease. Subhuman. Shitskin. Its pure projection. Whites are so corrupt and backwards, they forsake their own ancestors for hubris. They collectively actually have fooled themselves into believing that they dont actually come from albinism. Their entire lives are pure cope. Fragile mutant chimp egos living deficient chimp mutant half lives.

Thats why the white man has the incessant need to place his dirty feet on the heads of other men. Because not playing with a full deck. He takes satanic pride in his doomsday devices and killing machines.

Why did whites take over the world? Because whites lack a conscious. They took paradise away from every native. EUROPE FOR EUROPEANS. But australia for the abbos? America to the indians? Canada to the inuits?

Whites pilaged these lands with pure satanic barbarism and now brush it over as a thing to be proud of. "Our ancestors were WARRIORS for being a bunch of thieving evil sociopaths who destroyed the world. " "I-If we didnt do it someone else would"

Cope. Nobody is as evil as white people. Right now, white cultists rule this planet larping as vampires or someshit. They are some satanic cultists probably in league with eldritch beings outside of perception. We are literally ruled by white cannibals using deception to get the incels on pol to think its jews. lol. no. Whites are the most evil. This site shows it. Clear as day. When tarrant killed those people. White people in this incel board satanically celebrated. They celebrate all kinds of child murder like brevik. They share webms of little children being crushed by elevators or childrens dead corpses being stabbed in the head.

lmao. No souls. Not a shred of honor or an ounce of righteousness. Nothing but phonies. Pity your simian brother, the white man. This is his destiny. To be the vessel for Satan and destroy all creation. Whites will take satanic pride in that last statement.

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that's a POLITICAL construct from the 1600s

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nigger nigger nigger talking

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are you aware of what a low IQ actually you have to have to write this message? no wonder your countries are literally hell without our supervision, savage apes

I tip my tiara

Two autists of the site have collided
Holy shit


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