Hear me out

In USA I match with one chick a day, usually a whale. In Ecuador I match with 5-10 an hour. /pol, can we all move to South America for a few years and make them 15% whiter? Do you have the libido?

Attached: 5B2C7D18-974D-47F1-9C16-1F788D4502BD.jpg (2048x2048, 505.15K)

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What's /pol?

they're probably just matching with you so they can move to America and immediately dump you.

Nah, was there first two months of the year. They know whites are hung and rich (comparatively) got my last Ecuadorian girl to do the sig hail and my buddies was hella racist against blacks. What I’m trying to say is, they’re good people.

Of course they want to get back to usa…. It’s why they suck and fuck like their lives depend on it.

south american girls with mostly indio/nigger blood are the biggest whores alive

Ecuadorians are 25% indigenous and 75% Spain. The 50% indigi are hideous. The ones with light skin, and green eyes tho. That’s the good shit.

LOL go pound sand and off yourself already you delusional muh bleaching retard.

Attached: Bleaching-is-retarded.jpg (1109x650, 134.52K)

>sig hail

You can bust in a new chick every night. Bleaching rates are unprecedented- you need to update your chart.

And idgaf if in 200 years we have LIGHT brown skin - it’s the IQ transfer that matters.

kill yourself dumbfuck, they are not good people. i bet you a dollar you stayed in the marriot in quito and did exclusively tourist shit. ecuadorians are greedy, scummy, obese, desperate, maladapted simpletons that would steal the shit off your shoe if it even marginally benefit them. they can barely even maintain the old works built by the spanish. the only reason those are in good repair is due to us subsidies. ecuador is shithole and the people are just as shitty. just because its easy to fuck 15 year old comumbians and ecuadorians there doesnt mean the people are good.

Attached: 1411469718289.jpg (500x667, 58.75K)


>sig hail
How do you do, fellow Nazis?

What we need is an independent country in the heartland of North America, stretching from the Rockies to Alaska, and at least 2 million North European settlers.
IQ is important, but so is not having to reinvent the wheel. The trades and craftsmanship and understanding of permaculture in this country has suffered immensely under diversity, to the point that the skill to accomplish certain things doesn’t exist in the US population. We need a revitalization of the blood more than we need to diffuse it.
You have a torch and it is growing dim and you still want to light candles with it even though it is at an ember.

Nigger you have no idea. I’m there for work so we’re in la Granja - or Guapulo. I’ve been to the Marriott once and it’s too expensive. I can get better food for $4 on the side of the road. I refuse to do tourist shit. That’s a trap.

They are greedy, but so are we haha. Sounds like you had a bad time in Quito

Great analogy. If white women wanted kids it would be a dif story, but man.. last 3-4 gf’s (whites) think having a baby is repulsive. We lost I think. I think it is time
To start over. Maybe the coming famine will reality check white women and force them into doing what’s good for society but until they stop the charades USA is over

> It's the IQ, not the race you dumdums!
Kill yourself kike. If in 200 we are not white - we are extinct

tinder algorithms are fucked right now
I think it's to do with the biden having to seem terrible psyop so we all beg for trump back on our knees
he let the election steal happen

Are least important characteristic is our skin color. Culture, IQ, family values, intuition, self governance.

You are legit retarded if you think being a color matters outside of the Statistical relation between the skin color and other personality traits

Current gas prices in Ecuador.

Attached: Ecuador.png (1123x439, 65.7K)

it matters because the shade of skin color correlates to how much the peepee goes up or down upon seeing a given female

Yeah it a communist country to they set the price of gas every few months. Fixed price. Last time they raised it there was huge protest in the streets. Like piles
Of dirt and burning tires. They’re a rambunctious group

I'll take the one on the left.

these are the gas prices in ecuador because they are too poor for cars. even fucking keynesians understand prices aren't going anywhere if there's no demand.

If you plan to impregnate a bunch of non-white whores then don't expect their children to be some kinda uber genius that'll propel the white race forward, leaving children fatherless is pretty fuckin evil. Another problem faced by this theory of bleaching is that in a majority non-white society the halflings will just dissolve back into non-white. The best you can do is just find a nice family-oriented white girl and have tons of kids with her and raise those kids in a non-pozzed manner, think about just having just 3 white kids, those three kids will produce 5 or more white lives that could potentially change the world (granted you've given them the right values).