The Jewish question is solved by Israel's existence

It is factual Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews occupied Urban spaces where they were bred for intellect over the last 2 millennia, in part because they had to be cunning to survive pogroms. Their intellect and urbanite nature allowed them to assume disproportionate institutional influence in their host cultures as urbanization came to define European social organization, which they used to further tribal interests that often contrasted those of their host society. They also used it undermine nativistic metanarratives (Christianity, Patriotism, German racialism) that alienated them in favor of value systems that better resonated with their position as a religious and ethnic minority in a Christian society (Communism). The primary reason Jews are universally despised is that they are hostile to and refuse to assimilate into the metanarratives of the societies that host them, instead accumulating institutional influence that they use substitute them with their own.

Jews are essentially Tribalistic parasites that leech on their host society and undermine its animating metanarratives from within until nothing that could conceivably inspire cohesion remains. The consequences of the moral evil that is the holocaust were positive in this sense, even though the event itself is unjustifiable and monstrous, but problem is not racial and mass extermination is not merited. Jewish converts to Catholicism like Edith Stein and Jewish commoners who identified as German over and against their Jewish identity, many of whom served Germany in WW1, were entirely faultless for example.

The Haavara agreement offered an excellent solution in that only diasporic Jews are truly degenerative. The incentivization of mass Jewish Aliyah towards Israel could rid the world of their pathologies, would Jews here disagree? This was Herzl's vision for the creation Jewish state after all.

Attached: israel.png (640x465, 7.76K)

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Hello, rabbi.

Israel is european clay, kike:

Based greek

i agree, every country should deport their jews to israel and insulate it from the rest of the world.thats Gods will acording to the bible ifrc

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Are you a jew? I have a question if you don't mind me asking?

Go die of a rare blood illness you gross inbread nigger

i've been trying to start a JQ general, bump it and give me some advice for the copypasta:

Attached: american jews.jpg (553x3159, 2.38M)

Based Greek

Attached: Eli-Ben-Dahan-001.jpg (667x667, 62.42K)

this article is part of my copypasta now, some memeflag dropped it yesterday. im still working my way through it, but the essential message is: jews are NOT hostile to white interests, despite the stereotype. the data the author goes through is an attempt to show jews are generally supportive of white culture and white politics, despite what "elite" jews that control dominant institutions do. i'm not sold on it, but im open minded and it's worth a read for anyone that doesn't mindlessly follow Any Forums "dogma"

Attached: anti-white.png (1396x1868, 2.98M)

Yes i am jew, ask ahead and i will answer with my infinite jewish wisdom

I've been to Israel and appreciate Mizrahi Jews quite a bit.

not him, but i'll ask you: what do you think the proper place for jews is in western societies? do you belong in our countries? are they your countries, too? if you've ever lived outside of israel, did you have more allegiance to israel than your host nation?

The existence of Israel has only exacerbated the Jewish Problem.

Only because it didn't eliminate the diaspora.

so what's your solution? assimilation for those willing and removal to israel for those not?

>so what's your solution?
The final solution.

Thanks, one day i will visit your beutifull homeland too
We can live anywhere, every country has its diaspora,but our one homeland is Israel. Never trust a jew for national security, he is either an agent of israel or a globohomo race traitor

Assimilation has never worked before and won't work now either. Deportation to Israel, or else making them so uncomfortable they go there of their own volition, is the only solution, seeing as how we don't currently seem to have the guts to do anything harsher than that. Enough White people have a hard enough time mustering even mild criticisms of jews.

I thought that was obvious

> The Jewish question is solved by Zion's existence
ftfy schlomo

>Enough White people have a hard enough time mustering even mild criticisms of jews.
nice digits, and true
the worse our country gets, the more people will question the role the jews have had in ruining it, but i dont know if it will ever get to the point where we kick them out
once it's bad enough, they'll probably leave on their own volition, headed for greener pastures

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Any Forumstards hate Israel and worship Palestine because "muh based anti-kikerinos"

>used it undermine nativistic metanarratives
No, they have promoted them too whenever that suited their interests. Late 19th/early 20th century it was jews such as Lanz von Liebenfels and Glauer who kept telling Germans they were racially superior, Thule society and early NSDAP were very much under jewish influence much like fascism in Italy (Sarfatti)