Red is high income top tier

Blue is low income shithle.

Red countries mind : " we have to divide private and official life, so when you are not invited, and still staying in other families house until dinner time is rude you have to be shame of yourself.

Blue shit mind : " your property is mine and my property is yours, you don't have private time, feed my kid !!! "

I am really angry that third world shithole countries subhuman think themselves they are better than red lol

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The red ones believe the blue countries are far more advanced and better than them. The further it goes to Apefrica, the more white nordic cucks worship them. They give them free housing, fast placement for social housing, benefits in the form of welfare money. The entire package. For free.

How else can you describe this as nigger worship?

Kys shitskin with your slander threads. ANyone who chimes into slander of other Europeans = Shitskin.
You're proving our point why we are right to hate you.
Remember who are forcing multicultural societies on you: Larry Fink from Blackrock

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what's the east asian custom on kid's friends at your house and eating dinner?

this just in, starve your guests and you too can be high income

kys op

You are proven as shit skinned insects

Kys. Non white nigger.

When I was kid it was rude that I still stay in their house until dinner time.

If you can't read the atmosphere, you are just uneducated dumb head.

It's fucking rude to eat in other house.

Maybe in your " oil culture ", it's normal

How the fuck are you ''starving'' if you're not eating for 2 hours? Is it a sign of high time preference for Meds that can't plan their life 2 hours into the future? OH I'M STAAAARVING GIBS ME FOOD NOW, I COULDN'T PREDICT THIS!

Nordic people take it for granted that everyone is able to plan their own food supply. When I make food, I do it to last a certain time and if I get an unexpected eater I have to plan additional trips to the supermarket. That's why we are CONSIDERATE to not demand others to feed us.

Maybe it is normal in medshit countries to stay over for 12 hours or something. For fucks sake the thought alone makes me mad. A sweating spanish bro who is too retarded to feed himself. God damn.

Agreed and based

I think korea and japan have same culture like Scandinavians.

ill take the poverty, and mountains over being snowed in half the year

Also based.

What's wrong with offering your guests food and drink? It's a polite thing to do and goes back to ancient greece

Truly, the true Hyperboreans of this world (Nords and East Asians) need to deal with the nigger problem of this world. By niggers I mean Mediterraneans and other nigger derivatives.

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I was just telling OP to kill himself, I'd definitely plan my own meals to go see your family's titties in the sweat chamber. I'd be considerate and bring my own condoms too.

Typical finnish mongol

Don't you think it's rude that you inturupt other families private time.

Do you think to join in other families private time and Ruin their comfortable time ?

Don't you think it's awkward and weird and rude ?

You don't have any damn manner ?

As korean I can't understand your kind of people.

Maybe this is why most of blue culture country is shit hole

>mutts and nordcucks forgot not only their ancestors and pride but also rites of hospitality

Sysn ( shoot yourself nigger)

>Don't you think it's rude that you inturupt other families private time.

Why are you going to someone's place uninvited? Just don't invite people over if you don't want them there, simple as

Who cares about high income when the red countries are cold dystopian shitholes. What do Nords do for fun? BBC cuckold parties? Fuck you OP and fuck Nordic people in general

we surely don't have high incomes and what little we make is taken by taxes

nice larp faggot

youre just mad there were no fresh dog dishes ready for your bug mouth when you visited herr

Nah dude say it in korean so I can hit my buddies up in their home tongue


They prefer their guests eat their wives, not their food

It is a sign of disrespect by the guest to expect being fed.


Yea where does it say anything about expecting. It's rude to invite someone over to your place and not offer food or drink.

Also OP is a bootlicker and mankurt who exchanged beautiful traditional east asian culture for dystopian globohomo rat race.

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Let's go at it this way: if you invite me for an afternoon and i expect timely dinner im a nigger. Got it.

1- If you invite me for a weekend trip with your family, am I getting fed or bringing cash and afforded the opportunity to buy food?

2-If I invite you to a barbacue, is bring your own meat expected if not otherwise mentioned?