>"President Trump exemplified all the characteristics of an impotent president. His refusal to defend America's democracy and freedom by standing idly on the sidelines, only emboldened Syria more.

>Bolton went on to say "President Trump was a complete failure as Commander in Chief. His refusal to launch small nuclear bombs at Syria is only a further testament to his embarrassing tenure as president."

>Bolton shared this statement with Politico today after he realized there was this dude he hung out with in Cky called "Mike Vallely", and he was the douchiest blowhard I've ever seen.

>He was a 5'8" balding manlet who looked like he hit the gym maybe twice a week to do only chest and arms, and he would get super aggro over nothing in order to look like the "tough one" of the crew; which isn't really much of an accomplishment, because the bar isn't set very high in the first place. His accomplishments included scattering 4 timid teenagers by flailing his arms like a windmill, and shoving a middle-aged mall cop away while the security guard was just trying to do his job.

>He also had a brief stint as a hockey enforcer, where presumably his appreciation for violence might serve some sort of purpose, but then, to absolutely NO ONE'S surprise, the MOMENT he had to fight someone as strong, or stronger than him, who was equally as fond of violence as he was, he got his shit pushed in regularly. Never won a single fucking hockey fight in his life and was CONSTANTLY getting thrown to the ice.

>The guy was the definition of coked up blowhard.

>Mike Vallely, ladies and gentlemen. A possible contender for "faggiest skater in all of existence". Possibly faggier than even Bam Margera himself

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Pretty sure Trump was just about to bomb Syria but Europe was just about to berate him for it, and since the benefit of bombing Syria was for Europe, he declined. Now Europe sees the threat because the US has a weak compromised president, and they are ok with being rescued by one of their guys ( a leftist Biden ).

>and since the benefit of bombing Syria was for Europe
bro you just did an 80 IQ

The benefit of bombing Syria was to have a pipeline for hydrocarbons from the middle east supply through Syria to undermine Putin's position as Master Blaster to Europe's position as Auntie/Bartertown.

This is why Russia intervened, and why they attacked Ukraine.

You got absolutely everything wrong, including the fact that America used the refugees to destabilize Europe and cause Brexit, but I don't blame you. You cannot know about these things because you're not an European and you do not talk to Europeans around you and you do not listen to the dissident politicians of Europe who all say the same thing.

Protip: the "same thing" is not that Russia = bad. It's America = bad. You are to blame. At least that's how the far-right and the dissident-right of Europe perceives these problems.
And your confusion stems from your messiah complex as an average American where you immediately perceived the problem as you being the heroic solution to it. No one thinks that you're a heroic solution here. You say that Europeans want your lend-lease to Ukraine. No we don't. Everyone, yes by everyone I mean even the liberals too, thinks that Europe is on the brink of hyperinflation and mass starvation. It's everywhere - your family will talk about it, your friends will talk about it, and even the MSM will talk about it. And the key entity to blame is not Russia. It's the EU adamantly sanctioning itself into starvation by people who always explain that it's all for the sake of the "euroatlantic democratic values that bind us together and which must be defended at any cost". Translation of these "values": America's dominant position over Europe.

That is how the average European sees this conflict and it's incredibly ignorant to write a self-absorbed post wherein you almost claim that we begged you to come and whip us into annihilating our economy for your greater 4D chess against Russia and whatnot. No one actually cares about Ukraine here. ALL current ruling parties in Europe are rapidly tanking popularity because people think that they're directly installed by America, because no one can come up with a logical explanation as to why they're doing this.

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This nigger is so gay it’s unbelievable

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>PNAC stooge extraordinaire spouts an opinion
who gives a flying fuck what a kike let alone this kike has to say?

Fuck these stupid hawks. Biden is clearly based.

Billions to armaments companies, did fuck all about the border whilst crying like a little bitch about the press.

Biden is twice the man of any of these larpers.

Trump is the one that dug up this fucker and made him relevant again. This piece of shit deserves the inner circle of hell

The fact no one notices the posting disturbs me

Based Mike Vallely poster

>His refusal to launch small nuclear bombs at Syria is only a further testament to his embarrassing tenure as president."

Yeah it's not exactly his fucking neck on the line is it?

John bolton is a dipshit, he hawks from the sidelines and would never go full Douglas MacArthur like we would if we actually followed his advice.

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>neocon cries about lack of wars
in other news libs cry about lack of wars. How strange!

>Russia burns israel to the ground and offers them khazaria
What is this timeline?


your dumb fucking ai reads the first line and doesn't know its a meme
this isnt even newfaggotry
its just fucked up bots

fuckin dick heads

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they dont notice because theyre not fucking people cunt

What? How would destroying Assad's stable regime benefit Europe?

fucking pol is so shit and doesn't read the posts they comment, lmao
it's 90% bots and boomers that might as well be bots

Bolton is a retarded faggot who is so dumb he fell for almost every single Trump bait, I remember how he gloated how Trump was doing the right thing by sending the navy against NK when he said he'd task them to patrol the area, then did a whole 180 when he realized he got played as the Navy just send a single destroyer. War mongering sell out buffoon, amusing how the MSM keep citing him as if he was a credible source of anything at all.

but he did bomb syria and then gave it to israel