Is there any point to participate in society as an average looking male in 2022?

Is there any point to participate in society as an average looking male in 2022?

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>everything is about cooming inside smelly holes , and if I cant do this then I'm not partaking in life!

>hurhur just don’t breed
You are absolutely insane

You seriously think you wont be able to find a wife to breed if you establish yourself as a man? Get fit, work hard and get a good job?

It's not just about that. It's about human touch, physical contact, cuddling, too.

>get a good job goy! the "migrants" need more welfare!

I couldn't care less about sex, but the fact that millions and millions of men aren't going to have their own biological children if nothing changes is a tragedy, period.
Surrogacy must be subsidized as soon as possible, and legalizing prostitution might also help. Giving jobs to men who have been unemployed for a very long time instead of only helping women and, to a much lesser degree, minorities, is also absolutely needed.

Then what do you plan to do? Rot indoors? You have to take action and apply yourself to something or you will go mad.

Not only are womens standards skyrocketing, but even if you snag one, housing for example is getting ridiculously expensive
On top of that they're importing literal niggers everywhere, even if you get a high paying job and manage to move into a nice wealthy white area for your family, they build section 8 housing and send niggers in. On top of that we have inflation and mass immigration from the third world

Literally what the fuck is the point of even getting out of bed in the morning?

Not past the bare minimum
>pretend you don't exist because men want to coom in smelly holes for countless generations
>working hard as expected to pay for pussy you're not getting anyway through taxes is "partaking in life"

Live self sufficiently and not be a consoomer
Sadly this also repulses women as they are materialistic as shit

>Literally what the fuck is the point of even getting out of bed in the morning?
I sometimes feel like this, but then I realise if every white man did this it all would crumble so quickly. Things can still be salvaged

>but then I realise if every white man did this it all would crumble so quickly

Based cuddleposter

The most established men get the most taken from them by women and the system because women today are rabid whores with no discipline or leash. Men improving infinitely only gives women that much more to take without having to actually work for it themselves. There's no point to that.

Accelerationists are the worst. Wake yourself up, man.

So men are the problem, not women. Men are sluts.

Got any other ideas?

Im too mentally ill to even hold a job then my parents who abused me as a child abuse me some more because im not normal and make them look bad. Look at all the stuff we buy you are you not happy? What.....

>men are the problem for wanting girls within their attractiveness range and not people out of their league
Why are there always cucks in these threads desperate to defend females retardation?

I like these threads because they prove I'm Chad. Just stop being unattractive.

Only women can be sluts and they're selective sluts. It would only be a double standard if the sexes were actually equal and people didn't look down on men for not fucking sluts. Women throw themselves at a few men at the top and either don't realize or care that they're ruining everything to ultimately be another cum sock for those men.

Post your face then

That chart says men are having sex with 3 times as many women as women.

That chart literally proves men are sluts.

Even basic bitches they they deserve Chad or the top 10% of the male population, but a man would bang 50% of the female population on average.

>So men are the problem
Unironcally yes. If western men weren't so weak and let so much shit slide, we wouldnt be in this situation.
Our ancestors knew women were like this, it's why things were the way they were, to keep female sexuality in check.
Men got weak and foolish and now we are in this mess. And faggots in this threads think that sitting back even more and letting more shit slide is the answer.

cant tell if bait or subhuman iq

Men literally can't be sluts

Too many lines

Learn to close your legs, men.

Men are weak because the system caters to women. Men are not allowed to do shit you dumb fucking bitch.

Accept your looksmatch you ugly bitch

Learn to read better then come back with an actual argument.

How hard is it to get into the top 30% of men? Not very.

>slut making demands while also crying about the system

Strong men wouldnt let the system do this to them

Thanks. I'm 6'4 now.

Ugly bitch, chad will never commit to you

>Yeah bro, just find a wife and have some babies with her. You just have a chance between 0.8% and 30% of her getting knocked up by another man while you pay for the children
This culture must change first. Otherwise you can make 10+ children but if they all end up as degenerates, troons and leftists while the mother is a disgusting bitch then that won't save any nation and especially not the white race.

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Don't give up on getting pussy, but feel free to give up on society, (it's worthless)

>subsidised surrogacy
Completely unfeasible

>legalised prostitution
Doesn’t change shit

Shut the fuck up. Women are the ones who caused this by castrating every male they intereact with until they are fired and sexless. Fuck off.

>Learn to close your legs, men.

You would know that men can't close their legs if you had balls.

>oooh nooo another shooting, men do something I dont feel save walking around anymore, please please make society right again

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Wow. Can't say I'm surprised

Women are truly snakes

So you get bossed about by women? Pretty weak

Close your legs, slut.
>doesn't even know basic male biology

Some men just want to watch the world burn

>get fit
Muscles don't get passed on to offspring, retarded bong. Only the BONES ie frame and face do and there's no gym for that.
Thanks for your contribution to the thread, bong

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Learn to read, ugly bitch. The chart shows who men would accept as a romantic partner, not that they're fucking all of them.

Women shouldn't be allowed on Any Forums. Subhuman IQ.

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Antinatalism is a thing.

So you're saying that the right guy would look just as good if he was skinny? Or the left guy wouldnt look way better with muscles?
You're all a bunch of women, moaning and making excuses to not take action over your life.

Dead people don't pass their genes either.