Boating accident story

So there I was minding my business in my fishing boat on a solo hunting expedition, when all of the sudden my boat capsized and my burlap sack filled with 20+ semi-automatic rifles flew out of the boat and into the lake, where they sank all the way to the bottom. There was no hope in getting them back, so unfortunately they are lost. What lake was this you ask? You know, it’s the darndest thing, I can’t remember… somewhere in Alaska I reckon.

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have you tried watching youtube channels about hobby of magnet fishing?

Is this political?

Sad. Many such cases.

I'm sorry for your loss user. I hope you find your belongings again because your belongings belong with you.

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How does one hunt with 20 semiautomatic rifles at once?

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how deep is the lake?

boating accident = im a cuck
the correct response is "my rifle is right here and you cant have it"

I have never owned a firearm but if I did I surely lost is in the great canoe tipover of 2004
also, use your guns when they come for them

whats a real sonofabitch is that all my collectables burned up in the big basement flood of 2020 as well as all my tax records !
all I got left now is 25lbs of ffg and 30' of black match what do?

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shit fren I know that feeling very well. I was on a boating trip the other day when out of nowhere some idiot fish sprang out of the water, slapped me in the face which made me exidently jerk the steering wheel, causing the boat to tip over and all of my gold and silver sank to the bottom. It's a shame really, I tried to recover it, but the lake is just so darn deep.

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That's happening a lot lately

gun control, so yeah

It's quicker to switch to another semi automatic than reload.

Bro that's the worst. My first boating accident I lost all 15 of my firearms. My second was just as bad.. Lost all 25k of my ammo stash. My third though may be the worst as I lost 1000oz of silver and 20oz of gold. Damn boats keep flopping over.

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Why have guns if you wont even use them to revolt against tyranny?

It's an epidemic, user. Boats are a curse but I can't stay off them and just can't seem to learn!!

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You can pose with them in pictures wearing a cool leather jacket and sunglasses.

be American
also if the time has come to bury them the time has come to use them

with my luck someone will btrak into my house tonight while im sleeping and pull out some of my teeth and put them in a skull they dug up and place them im my pickup truck and light it on fire in the woods when i go camping!
what a crazy world we liv in indeed.

Can you not read? My guns are at the bottom of an Alaskan lake. I have no guns to revolt with.