Muslim country in europe

>muslim country in europe
>women are mocked by european muslims for wearing niqab
>mothers tell children to throw stones at them
>women passing on the street compare compare them to baba yaga
>men refuse to hire them
white shariah could never be a thing

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They deserve to get stoned for being muslim, even in Bosnia

how do you know they are women and not drag queens? so it doesn't matter all that "problems" that you're mentioning, as such "invasions" follow the same protocol as with any other pride parades - they are queer, they are here, get used to it. It means you are being used and you dont' even "know" it. You must be some sort of zombie, farm animal, etc..

Bosnia is not a country, it's a Western project.

This life is hell for the believer, and paradise of the non-believer

Have fun while it lasts boys, you will pay near-infinite amount of suffering for your actions

I'm from the capital of Bosnia and there aren't many women wearing a niqab in the general population here, however sometimes they get called ninjas. Anyway its better to have them around than lgbt faggots and the likes.
t. muslim

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the more religious a population is, the most they're pro-multiculturalism
religious turks are the ones who imported all the retarded syrians and pakis

do you think the sandnigs Saint Tarrant bravely purged are experiencing faggot-allah's perfect afterlife now? I for one, think they're decomposing without any form of consciousness, never to be seen again. Good riddance.

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majority of the population is anti imigrant here and globohomo here, but still here its very multicultural because of all the history, like the arcitecture etc, there are many styles from different cultures and eras

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there already was a beginning of white sharia throughout 2020 2021
you only need to frame it correctly for the popular religion

>When things go well for you and shit for everything else:
Allah has blessed me! Your life is shit because you don't believe!

>When things go shit for you and great for everyone else
Allah is testing me with worldly temptation! You life is good because you have traded worldly gratification for eternal damnation!

Religitards have some bullshit explanation no matter how things turn out.

what if you are wrong? what if you have been fed lies your whole life.
do you ever question your religion?

If i was wrong, then what? life ends and? you wouldn't feel anything cause you're dead (by your reasoning)

It would never be worse that if you were wrong
at witch point you will have everything to lose

You're making fun of him because he has found peace, also thanking God when you are in a good situation and not becoming depressed when things go wrong and realising that it's just a test is unironically the best way you can think.

This. the blind can't be fully aware of its surroundings

some blind people like to mock when well-seeing people point out something
to feel better i suppose

Thats kosovo.

Indeed I only see a few around the main mosque but thats about it. And nah I 100% prefer to see trannies over dirty muslims. Anyone sane would.

> And nah I 100% prefer to see trannies over dirty muslims
You know how I can tell you are a faggot? You are willing to compromise. Enjoy your trannies and subsaharan africans, minty fresh whore

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I am 100% straight. And no worries ill move back to the non muslim part of bosnia. Can already retire there but I want a little more money.

>that it's just
god gave me brain cancer, "as a test".

sure wonder what he is testing

>Anyone sane would

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testing your self

Now every human has to be worthy of paradise, in order to enter it

have you seen the evil, greed, selfishness, and superiority complex that humans are capable of?

you know for a little i thought those were just normal arab women given how many are ugly as fuck and use the face covering to hide it