Circle the Wagons Project /ctw/

Welcome to the Circle the Wagons Project Frens!
Where we combined Any Forumsdiy/k/out/an/biz/ & Any Forums into one thread
that is on topic & relates to our current political & cultural reality

by working toward the goal of forming wholesome communities irl
made up of based & repilled pollacks living off the land in accordance with nature,
it's fundamental truths and it's beauty. Who are ready to face the ugly realities
of a "society" that grows more bleak and hostile every day.

We cannot silently accept or hide from the globohomo agenda it's degeneracy and our demographic decline.
It is our duty to fight with all the love in our heart for ourselves, each other and our kin.
Fuck being alone. Fuck feeling doomed! We will save the doomers, free the wage slaves and tell
the rent seekers to go to hell.

There is a better way to live for our people. We will live as we used to; as a tribe.
"Together we are stronger" and by uniting like minded people together we can change
our lives for the better and from that change we can change our political and cultural reality.

Instead of public school indoctrination & wokism
massive loans, debt slavery and usury
soul crushing city life & it's dangers

We offer alternatives to the globohomo agenda like

Homeschooling & natural reality
building our own homes using inexpensive methods & our own labor
the joy of community pride & working smarter not harder
producing healthy food and improving our quality of life.

There is a better way to live but it is up to us to live it.
So come on in and join our project and help manifest this into reality.

* Food Forest edition *

The Forested Garden: What is a Food Forest?

How to Start a Food Forest in One Year!

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Other urls found in this thread:

covid 19 and the lockdowns, loss of steady wages in many occupations , supply chain issue and the outbreak of war limiting the planting and cultivation of crops and their export have shown that people need food security so you don't up and starve to death

planting a food forest is a great way to help provide that food security for you and your family

Low Maintenance Backyard Food Forest Garden Produces An AMAZING Amount Of Food All Year Long!

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Farmerbro's vision

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grown up Aussie Pippy Longstockings over here
Food forest fundamentals | Urban farming | Gardening Australia

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The Food Forest - How I planned, planted and protect my food forest

Which Way Western Man (Populism, Vanguard Elitism and Parallel Societies)

Great Reset- What do they think of people who will live in the country?

The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins
>Edible Wild Plants: A Folding Pocket Guide by James Kavanagh
>The Backyard Homestead by Carleen Madigan
>The Natural Remedies Encyclopedia by Vance Ferrell
>The Garden Primer by Barbara Damrosch
>Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web by Jeff Lowenfels
>Worms Eat my Garbage by Mary Appelhof
>What's Wrong With My Plant? (And How Do I Fix It?) by David Deardorff
>The Vegetable Gardener's Bible, 2nd Edition by Edward Smith
>Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners by Suzanne Ashworth
>Four-Season Harvest: Organic Vegetables from Your Home Garden All Year Long by Eliot Coleman
>Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew
>Good Bug Bad Bug by Jessica Walliser
>Good Weed Bad Weed by Nancy Gift

Wild Fermentation - Sandor Ellix Katz

Shit ton of free book scans on prepping, survival, combat care, growing food, toolmaking, just search keywords

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it's society that is harmful that we are working on extracting ourselves from dummy

we want to live harmoniously among our own

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>muh larpstead

deal with it

can you read?
quit spreging, have a read and make an actual comment, not your shill spazing bullshit faggot.

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Even though I'm not really sure if I want to go in the direction of homesteading with my life, I do know that most jobs are mentally unfullfilling for me. Currently I'm researching all kinds of alternate jobs, this is just one area. I already ordered The New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency a couple of days ago and I already picked up some projects that will improve my skills with tools, wood and plants.
One of the biggest problems I see is the difficulty of finding suitable land without a ton of money. This would require me to either get a loan, work for a couple of years and live frugally or go to another county where land is cheaper. I would hate to be far away from my family and friends though.
It's a nice goal to work towards, gives me some purpose and actual skills. Even if I never make the jump, I will have learned valuable things.

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CTW needs an urban equivalent so based youths can find a constructive path even in the concrete box distopia

I will never not be amazed at Americans needing a corporate body and (jewish) lawyers to have something as simple as village life.

Literal food forests are going to make up almost all of "landscaping". Orchards between homes (cherry near the road for bonus blossoms, pear and apple further out), with thornless blackberry, raspberry, and loganberry hedges. By late summer each year, the kids can graze their way around the community, and by fall we can do a blitz to harvest it, preserve most of it either through blanching and freezing or root cellar storage, and the rest goes into the press to make cider or fruit wine.

Fuck people with their stupid shrubberies. Plants should have a purpose rather than just being there because it's expected. For every decorative pine, you could have a semi-dwarf fruit tree that actually produces food for your family.

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We have that kind of people in Germany. They are called "Reichsbürger" and they saying Germany is a fake state and they have their own countries inside Germany.

And they are controlled by the German intelligence agency called "Verfassungsschutz".

Thanks for the 0-day though :)

How's your morning going so far Farmerbro?
did it post okay this time or are you still having issues?

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urban farming or growing whatever you can in your city apartment is all good
we promote getting the fuck out of cities is you can
but if not, we promote doing something, learning, growing, preserving and obtaining whatever extra food security you can for yourself and if shtf and you do need to get the fuck out of dodge you at least have some planting and growing knowledge to take with you

I would be down for urban/ctw/ project threads going up and cross promoting each other

We bake on Sundays and Wednesday fren and will be doing so all year.
nice to have you and good suggestion.

have a Duck

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Good morning bump from Death Valley..

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Considering kike lawyers, corporate bodies, and predatory taxation are deliberately destroying White enclaves in a calculated and coordinated effort by flooding hordes of niggers and illegals into them through "public assistance" and "low income housing" projects, it onlly makes sense to turn their weapons against them.

If you're immune to confiscatory taxes, your land is permenently protected as a monolithic whole, and your board can permanently control not only who lives there, but is allowed access to the community in general, what options are left to them? The rest of the world can go fuck itself, as we expand community by community, land acquisition by land acquisition, until we have a large network of exclusively White neighborhoods that are immune to their efforts. The rest of the world can burn around us ... I welcome it, as it'll make new land acquisition even less costy. So enjoy your niggers and usury while we enjoy our paradise together.

Eh, I'm not sure what the issue is, desu. Time to go collect the eggs and water the ladies.

Hey Farmerbro.. ever heard of Wolf Berry aka Goji? I’ve got a hedge going.. started from one plant, and it would take over the yard if I let it. Super hearty and productive.

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nice elbow room you got there DVbro
How has your week been?
is it starting to heat up a bit there?
we got some rain and cloudy cool days, it has been nice but that heat is coming, god's fuck (as Doc says) it's brutal

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This is a losing effort, I'm afraid. What land would you be able to work? And at what cost? Also, as people the world over have learned, even if you spent the millions necessary to get a small plot of land to fiddle with, as soon as your local feral nigger population notices it they'll shit it up as fast as possible. The towns and cities have fallen, and if they haven't yet, either you're already in a rural area and it's only a matter of time before they're bussing niggers in to shit your town up as well.

Those won't grow here, I'm afraid.

Nice digits, Duck.. but cities are rat traps. Get out while you still can.. unless the “convenience” means more to you than freedom.

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It’s been a strange week.. highs and lows. Good news is I’m milking a young mama goat who lost her baby in a difficult birth. It was being born with his head folded back. I had to pull him out of her. But fresh goat milk for breakfast is wonderful. Also got news that our septic permit is being reissued, so I can finish that job, which has been delayed by bureaucrats for 2 1/2 years!

Don’t want to talk about the lows..

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The awful truth

I am just saying (while also saying, get the fuck out for fucks sake) that for those who are in a city atm and will be in the foreseeable future, that urbanites learning whatever they can while there is at least something and better then nothing

and I am thinking bigger picture here, maybe by some cityfag anons learning about planting and growing and cloning and all that maybe they really get into it and maybe that is the first step in them getting out
and choosing to move out onto some land and enjoy even more growing

and that one person could be quite the helpful hand for those close to him or his family/friends

and maybe if a couple of based cityfags who were all growing in their apartments decided, we should all do this on some city plot and grow more shit, they could work with city hall to start a urban co-op grow op or whatever

and then those cityfags hanging out on that city plot project might realize...hey, fuck this shit, lets just get our own land and do this ourselves, I am really into this growing stuff, I like it, it would be fun to do this everyday right out my front door

idk, could lead to better things, no harm in at least promoting taking that first step

but yeah, living in any large city or city at all is flirting with disaster imao

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This says they are good to 18 below.. but you probably get colder than that. I spent a winter doing concrete in Great Falls, Montana.. 50 below some days.

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