Is this woman just lazy?

>ME/CFS can affect anyone, including children. ---It's more common in women---, and tends to develop between your mid-20s and mid-40s.

she's just a lazy right? If a guy said he had chronic fatigue syndrome he would get told he needs to drink another coffee and man up.

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If it's a woman = it's fake
If it were a man = it's a real condition
try the redpill

CFS isn't real outside of suffering from malnutrition

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she should just start shaking her cunt on the Internet

yeah that's what I was also thinking. she's probably got a bad diet.

Lads we live in the era of everything must be some kind of disease.

Yeah. Malnutrition and cancer and (more likely) drug abuse.

Most non-genetically verifiable syndromes are a bit iffy.

>Yes I have chronic fatigue syndrome
>Yes I just started a business
>Because the patriarchy never sleeps and women deserve to have a chance

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I can't be fucked. I must have CFS too

nah, she's just suffering from heavy metals poisoning. take your selenium + nac so you don't end up like her

Why do women invent ailments for attention?

She's probably vegan. Eat meat drink some milk.

Ayooooo dis bitch banjo kazooie up in a here!

for attention


I thought I had CFS. Turns out I was just a fatass. When I lost the weight my energy magically came back. It was a miracle!!!!!!!!

Don't tell the VA please

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>According to the Danish ME Association's member surveys and contact with other Nordic ME Associations the disability is extremely high. Virtually no one is in full-time employment. Approximately 85% are on early retirement or in limited “flex-job”. Due to lack of early diagnosis, awareness of PEM and the recommended plan with GET – many are worsened during the first years of illness.
Try to cut feminist welfare and let's see how long this "illness" lasts.

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Sleep apnea or sleep disorders cause fatigue syndrome because you can't really ever rest

Even a damaged mattress or sleeping with a night light or Lamp can cause it.

not even joking i think i have chronic fatigue syndrome.

never vaxxed, never even tested; got sick at one point which I assumed was the covid and then permanent energy loss.

I smoke weed my diet is shit and I haven't been to the gym in 5 years. I'm sure that's the bulk of the effect and/or old age but I don't know anymore. I did all that prior and I had energy.

I'm a guy and I had it in my early 20's, lasted about 5 years and honestly I don't know if I ever fully recovered.
I abused drugs when I was younger and got sick a lot. I wasn't using any for 3 years before I got it but I did drink beer daily. I was also working 70hrs a week under extremely stressful conditions. I got 3 infections back to back, was pretty sick but nothing we haven't all had 1000 times. After the symptoms of the last one went away there were new symptoms that never did, just being tired and weak being the most notable. They ran tons of tests and after the full virus scan they said I had epstein barr virus. Basically what I had was the mono version of long covid. Its real, and it sucks. Yes I brought it on myself with an unhealthy lifestyle, but I will make everyone aware I lived healthy as fuck after the diagnosis and it didn't go away for a long time. I think I lost a few iq points I never got back, and who knows how many years off my lifespan. The feeling is very unique, its not like any tiredness youve ever experienced. Interestingly I had shingles once since and the cfs came back but it went away thank god, and it came up one other time after an infection.

It’s a kind of tired sleep can’t fix

How much sleep do u get

Is it comfy sleep?

They're all childlessn and depressed

>It's more common in women
So is being an over-educated, entitled lazy bitch with no skills or talents who's never dealt with any real hardship in their life and coast by sponging off other people's work because society deems it wrong to hunt them for sport.

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It’s a viral overload, mainstream medicine is pretending it’s a big mystery so everyone stays sick

Wat is this
How you cure it

i too suffer from chronic fatigue, everytime im awake for 16 or more hours i get really tired and go to sleep for at least 7-8 hours after, everyday, it really sucks.

it's all fucked now i'll stay up 30 hours and then sleep 16.

If I let myself I can sleep all day every day, 12 hours plus. I tried just that for a while; figuring I must be tired I need the sleep but I have to make money.

>is it comfy sleep
it feels comfy enough. i'm not that old; was homeless at one point and slept on a sidewalk for months; and I was better rested afterward.

I've gone as far as going down the EMF rabbit hole and put the phone on airplane mode when not in use and shut off WIFI. No effect but that's far from effective EMF shielding.

>If it's a woman = it's fake
But taken seriously
>If it were a man = it's a real condition
But laughed at

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It's likely not directly a viral overload but fixing your gut flora and immune system through diet, exercise, meditation and sleep will help.

I have Chronic Woman Fatigue Syndrome

For men, CFS is honestly much easier to address. Most of the symptoms can be resolved with a generous dose of TRT. You can’t really give 200+ mg/wk of exogenous testosterone to a woman. Well, I guess technically you can, but you get my point.