Why do people participate in a society that is blatantly against them?

Why do people participate in a society that is blatantly against them?

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No other options.
Too demoralized.
Nothing to gain when the price of resistance is death.

Sometimes the system is comforting.
Sometimes all I want to do is watch cartoons, smoke weed, jerk off, and eat yummy goyslop. I'm not perfect.

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no one chose to be born either

You don't have much of a say in such a situation. You're either socializing or you're a social outcast described as a weirdo. I'll choose the former overtly but be the latter covertly

Try living outside of it.

Good morning my basterd

They believe it's impossible to live any other way than they do now.

They aren't sure how a different life would work, so they get anxious and stay put because it's a known factor where they are

They have obligations they feel are unbreakable and despite wanting something different they feel compelled to continue anyway

They believe this is as good as life gets, they value comfort and convenience above everything else

They are so stressed and overworked, kept in a constant state of hyper-vigilance by the purposefully polarizing media they are constantly running at maximum mental capacity and when they have a moment to rest they don't have the ability to think about how to change or leave the system they exist in, they just want to relax for a second before it's back to the meat grinder.

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I don't know how to join the Mormons.

They have no choice.

Reject the system and build a house in the woods and live like uncle ted.

Feel true fulfillment from things YOU control and YOU benefit from. YOUR garden, YOUR cabin, YOUR hunting, YOUR survival.

Embrace the logos. From dust to dust, simple. Don't concern yourself with things you cannot control if you want to be happy.

Don't strive to be successful within the system, strive to be independent from the system.

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I feel more at peace with these words

I'm sure many aren't after seeing what played out over these past few years.

>I don't

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Financial freedom and higher chances of pussy. Next question.

life is more difficult when you dont participate and go with the flow, americans like convience

Same as it ever was, toughen up.

if you dont they'll say youre part of a terrorist cult then proceed to siege and kill you with more fire power than what was used during the bombing of dresden

kek. "the system" encroach on his area and took it over. that's what drove him full insane. there was no escape.

>Sometimes all I want to do is watch cartoons, smoke weed, jerk off, and eat yummy goyslop. I'm not perfect.
Literally me

>just perpetuate the cycle of suffering goy
Fuck off faggot. Wouldn't have to toughen up if you never existed.

I don’t