What do Nazis think of the Hitler paradox?

What do Nazis think of the Hitler paradox?

Hitler rose to power, created a movement to oppose Marxism, build up his country push back against the Jewish encroachment upon European values.

He ended up destroying his own country, killing 40-80 million people (mostly whites), and devasted the other European nations around him.

His actions turned the idea of nationalism and identitarianism into evil spooky words, cucked Japan and now if anyone tries to even stand up for white interests they are associated with "the most evil man in human history" or the idealogy of the holocaust.

The holocaust, whether it happened the way historians describeis utilized by Jews to increase their power and influence and now they control more of the world than they ever did and have their own ethnostate, advocacy groups and have become almost impossible to criticize while our politicians openly worship Zionism.

Had Hitler not existed, wouldn't things have been better for the white race and Germany?

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Don't blame him cause he tried.

Hitler existing was a reaction to the demographic explosion of the Jewish diaspora. Similar to what caused Trump to rise in power.

what's the scenario without hitler? peace in our time?

I just wonder if Hitler coming to power ended up causing a counter-movement that exceeds what whites are capable of recovering from. Maybe he acted too soon and should have waited for someone else to come to power and handle the situation. Maybe someone should have acted sooner? But as the current situation stands, whites are seemingly in a worse position than they were due to both Marxism AND Nazism.

World War 2 was a reaction to World War 1. Not sure what the timeline would look like if you removed one or two of those wars.

But if the timeline allowed for whites to be openly proud to be white and ours doesn't, that seems like a better timeline without NatSoc and Hitler.

>Had Hitler not existed

that is a very good question.........

my guess is if not him somebody else would have done something similar

in USA at that time gangsters were taking over whole states in deutschland they took over the whole country

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Pretty sure the guys they were at war with destroyed Germany ultimately i think.
iirc thats kinda what you end up doing when you win a war

>created a movement to oppose Marxism
Hitler was a socialist. National SOCIALIST. He was a leftist fag.

I don't know when you retards will stop posting this crap.

Even if Hitler didn't exist, there would be someone who will do the exact same thing! Hitler was a product of the entire German people's views about their nation's situation. He was from the people, he was not a capitalist, politician or anything else. He went through everything that the people did, thus he knew their woes.

Germany had to fight back against Communism because their goal was to destroy Europe and Christianity. They literally tried this before Hitler even got into Politics in Germany with the Revolution Of 1919. Hungary, Poland, Finalnd and other countries had to deal with this as well.

Thus it was either sit on your ass and let the Soviets steamroll you or try your luck and smash them.

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Germany is better economically now than it was then. Which implies that it would have been even better if they did not go to war.

He speaks in Mein Kampf that it was created to emulate and combat against the rise of Marxism in Europe.

imagine being a cuck and being afraid of being nationalist/trad because someone will call you nazi.
Sheeple will be sheep.
You think hitler wasn't opposed in his time?

My assumption is that as the situation in Europe gets worse for whites combined with the death of the surviving holocaust survivors and that industry in general, that we may see a rise in NatSoc idealogy. My guess is that its actually more popular than it has ever been due to all the literature, podcasts and films by Pierce and whatnot.

The party started out left-leaning, that much is true. Hitler was recruited by the army to inflitrate and spy on the Nazis, among other burgeoning fringe parties formed after WWI. But the party's ideology was all over the place, and Hitler saw an opportunity to wrest control and direction of the party and mold it to his ideals. Over time,
he purged all the socialists from the party and that was that.

And if you'd read even one chapter of Mein Kampf, you'd know what ol' Ade actually thought of Marxists.

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>if everything worked out fine it woudl hahve been better

I wonder how Weimar Germany would've faired had it not done anything about its shit.
Probably would've been a little bit more retarded. So imagine a world without the technological development caused by Germany, WW2 r&d, and Operation Paperclip.

So pretty much the bargain is less man made horrors developed in the ensuing cold war in exchange for a more retarded Germany? Idk might be worth it

Pretty sure Weimar's economy was dookie until hitler rose to power, but your the expert here.

Hitler was controlled opposition, a typical jewish scapegoat ritual on a massive scale
That's why he represented every single thing jews fear in the goyim and want for themselves only: nationalism, ethno-socialism, identitarianism, traditionalism, militarism, racism, eugenics and so on

How do I know if I am controlled opposition?

I think doing something is better than doing nothing. A lot of americans seem to think that inaction is the best, and you will be magically liberated at some point if you endure for long enough. He tried, he tried hard, and his heart was 100% in the right place. That is commendable, no matter what unwanted side effects it may have 100 years later.

>His actions turned the idea of nationalism and identitarianism into evil spooky words
No, decades of jewish propaganda did that.

hitler actually tried something which is more than USA anons can say given that their countries became minority white without their ancestors putting up a solid fight. Going to talk bad about hitler because he didnt leave the nationalist movement with good optics or whatever is peak cuck. Americans are basically the guy whos home was broken into and wife raped by a nigger and they want to scold the cop for trying to shoot the nigger. The cop in this metaphor being hitler and the nigger being the marxists. Its a good metaphor because its a situation i can actually see happening in muttmerica.

>His actions turned the idea of nationalism and identitarianism into evil spooky words
For decades after WWII nationalist was celebrated and what we know call "identitarianism" was such a universal value it was an unspoken assumption that didn't need a name.

What destroyed these two concepts was the moral vacuum left by the end of the Cold War. Suddenly faced with the loss of its historic enemy, the Western block conceived of itself as so invicible it could afford to be infinitely magnanimous. There was no longer a need to protect our borders and our national interests as we had prevailed and no threat would ever emerge to our power.

It helps that this coincided with the Western consumer market reaching a point of saturation: it was no longer possible to have Western-made consumer goods sold to the Western public for a profit, manufacturing needed to shift to developing countries and immigrants needed to be brought in to work for cheap. Therefore internationalist and immigrationist ideology was deployed to create the requisite consent (which is never total, it only ever needs to be good enough).

Follow the money, always follow the money.